We are international (Australia, U.S. etc). The wing for ex- and inactive JWs and others got going about 1998 via the internet. You can dump the bad misteachings and believe what you feel is good. We're about freedom of expression as granted at Romans 14:1-6. Fellowship is love-based unity rather than absolute imposed uniformity. Many who were JWs or are inactive JWs etc continue belief God will turn Earth back into paradise and resurrects some on Earth as well as others to heaven. That's okay.
To Find Out More About "FREE CHRISTIANS"
by onthego 12 Replies latest jw friends
spam spam spam
glorious spam
Let me add that most meeting groups are usually small but can be larger - however your own group(s) may decide. Services can also vary. Some like to have scriptures read, some music and or song, a meal, sharing of experiences, opportunities to witness by going into the community to help those in need if not at their homes then via food banks, picking up trash, so on. We do believe in sharing our faith (although some more so than others) but unlike "evangelicals" in general do not claim to be know-it-alls except that we know that God (Jehovah/Yahweh/the Lord) wants us to be kindly, neighborly toward others even as God's Christ (our only one overall Leader) taught. We can also fellowship with non-Christians who are kindly although naturally can only give symbolic water baptism to those who say they are Christian. We have historically had ties with Unitarians and others as well.
Edited by - donkey on 6 January 2003 22:4:22
How kind and thoughtful of you to lower yourselves to associate with "non-christians" and of course maintaining your superior attitude about who can be "baptised". ASSHOLE!
I believe Donkey is a Watchtower poser as shown by his/her previous postings. Regardless, Ex/Inactive JWs, consider starting your own Free Christians group(s). Easy, fast, can spread like wildfire.
and I believe you are
deletedwhen Simon wakes up...Jack
Hi, "Carmel." You also sound unkind and Watchtowerish. Christ associated with pagan Romans, a woman who was a Samaritan who had had many men, etc. Broaden out to be more like him.
As the following website in Australia shows true Christianity includes those who act Christlike regardless of which chuch door they may stand in. All truly Christlike person jointly form the body of Christian:
Edited by - onthego on 6 January 2003 21:37:1
hey onthego, your not gonna get to many converts here...most on this forum want nothing to do with organized religion/God etc.. And donkey also likes to speak for simon...there are several of those on this forum ////nakedmvistar////
Why would I be deleted? For mentioning the beliefs of the Free Christians when the beliefs of atheists and other groups are commonly posted here? But if my posting is deleted for any way then it will be viewed as a positive motivation to email a lot of people one on one telling who we are and that we are a great alternative to the Watchtower Society as well as you, "Jack." Perhaps I should Thank You, eh.
Hopefully Simon, you will read the whole short thread before acting if at all: