The Rebel it's not such a big deal
It is a big deal, because they have said it is a big deal.
They blab on about being discreet but demonstrate themselves to be exactly what they condemn.
They constantly badger and heckle for more money but exhibit tactless hubris by parading their riches on TV.
*** w94 8/15 p. 11 par.
3 This Good News Must Be Preached First ***
stark contrast, news reports have time and again revealed many of the clergy in
some lands to be pedophiles, immoral swindlers, and frauds. Their works of the
flesh and their extravagant life-styles are manifest for all to see. One
popular songwriter expressed it well in his song entitled “Would Jesus Wear a
Rolex [a very expensive gold watch] on His Television Show?”
*** w92 5/1 p. 16
par. 10 Who Will Escape the “Time of Distress”? ***
does not seek righteousness. Many of her adherents adopt or sponsor permissive
life-styles. Rather than seek meekness as Jesus did, they make a showy display,
for example on television, of luxurious and often immoral living.
*** w83 6/15 p. 18
par. 12 Do Not ‘Turn Back to Weak and Beggarly Things’ ***
think that a “showy display of one’s means of life” implies flaunting
designer-name clothing or excessive jewelry, such as wearing four or five rings
at the same time. (James 2:2, 3) And it may, for the Bible counsels
against concentrating on adornments such as “gold ornaments.”
*** w84 10/1 p. 13
par. 14 Why We Must Be No Part of This World ***
showy display of one’s means of life” must also be avoided by Jehovah’s servants. How tempting it can be to show off costly
acquisitions! Such wrong desire often leads not only to trying to keep up
with others but also to striving to get far ahead of them materially. ... At the root of all this status-seeking and
showy display is sinful pride. (Proverbs 8:13; 16:18; 21:4) Surely, then, we must resist the temptation to flaunt our
acquisitions and supposed attainments.