"Monkey See, Monkey Do"

by JH 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH

    Have you noticed how certain trends in the congregation are often started by one person, and then it spreads to most of the congregation. For example, in my congregation years ago, just about everyone had a Dodge Airies. That was an inexpensive popular car in the service then. Then after that an influential elder had a VolksWagen Jetta, and then everybody bought a Jetta. If pioneering was popular, then many pioneered. Most witnesses lived in appartments, but then one bought a house, then two, three, and now most of the congregation are house owners.

    What "Monkey See Monkey Do", did you notice in your congregation?

  • LDH


    I saw many Elders engage in "grooming" and "flea picking" from each other's backs. In short, trying to climb the social hierarchy ladder.


  • cruzanheart

    Health stuff. When I was a kid in Anaheim, California, everyone was into herbs. Then it was bee pollen. In Texas it's gone from acupuncture to the Atkins Diet. And everybody follows it - not like sheep, but like lemmings! Oh, yeah, and I was in a congregation where ALL the sisters (except me) collected pigs. Little ceramic ones, big wooden ones. Pigs. Uh-HUH.


  • Utopian_Raindrops

    Ok I have a weird trend that spread through our cong....at least sisters anyway.

    Im blushing while Im typing cause I started the trend.

    Ummmm, ok..anyway, A sister and her daughter came over while I was hanging out my laundry and they saw my thong panties.

    The sisters teenage daughter picked one up and said,I didnt know we could wear these!

    I said ,"Sure, as long as you dont show anyone!" and laughed it off.

    Next time I see this sister's daughter she is telling me how her and her mom are now wearing thong panties. (Which I found an odd conversation starter) She was complaining her mom walks around in their apartment in them!

    As time went on I started hearing of a few others in my cong wearing them as well as friends of this Sister and her daughter in other congs.

    This just so cracked me up! I never thought of myself as a trendsetter!

    Well thats my embarrassing story.

    Ciao 4 now,

    Agape, Utopian_Raindrops

    Edited by - Utopian_Raindrops on 7 January 2003 14:8:28

  • Texas Apostate
    Texas Apostate

    1990 Mitsubishi Galant. There were 5 people in our congo. that drove them to the meetings. 2 elders had them. 1 MS, and 2 wanna bee's. I always wondered what was up with that. Oh also, I went to a Spanish Congo. growing up. I know that jw's frown on people with beards , so I knew that no self respecting JayHo grew one. It was O.k. to have a mustache though. Well, when the P.O. decided to shave his (This after the Circuit Overseer's visit), within 1 week, the rest of the elders, and ms's followed suit. I remember asking my dad "why did they shave their mustache, their is nothing in the bible about that". He turns around and sais, "I don't know, but if that is what it takes to be an elder, I'll never make. I'll never shave mine ".

  • Scully

    Someone in the congregation was always trying a new diet, and before you knew it, everyone and their dog was on the same diet. Same with those MLM companies... Shak-Lee, Herbalife, Tupperware, Candle Magic... inviting everyone from the KH to their home parties, and then trying to recruit them so they could get better percentages from the companies. Ended up that they'd only sell to other JWs, so they'd recruit themselves out of a market to sell to. DUH.

    One brother we knew was a real wheeler-dealer kind of guy, and would book group vacations for people in the congregation so they could all travel together. He'd end up with like 20 couples/families all chartered on the same flights, at the same hotel, and a reasonably good deal for the package. Guess who got the free airfare and hotel rooms on the backs of his "brothers" and "sisters"??

    Love, Scully

  • Mac

    Ooooops!!!!!!..........Never mind, I thought this thread was about SEA MONKEYS.


  • Elsewhere

    There was a time when everyone in the congregation started drinking a tea called Kombucha (Come-Boo-Chu). It is made my growing a certain type of mushroom in a water culture.

    The one's who were using it claimed it would cure just about anything... you name it, odds are this stuff would cure it.


    Here is a little from the web site:

    Dear Reader,

    Searching for something, a magic potion, that can energize you, rejuvenate you? You cannot come any closer to finding it than in Kombucha Mushroom Tea, a potent natural remedy for many illnesses!

    You have nothing to lose by trying this remarkable tea as we make you this promise... this delicious tea will improve your health or you get your money back anytime within 3 months of your purchase... all you have to do is ask for a refund.

    Throughout this web page you will see quoted the real testimonials of people who drink this tea. Kombucha is inexpensive but because it is inexpensive do not assume that its cost is an indication of its value as a potent nautral remedy, nothing could be further from the truth. It is inexpensive because you are making it at home and the greedy pharmaceutical companies can not charge you for it.

    Let me describe the appearance of a Kombucha Mushroom, also known as the Manchurian Mushroom. It does not resemble a mushroom, because it is not a mushroom, but only popularly called one and the fermented tea made from it does not taste like mushrooms... it's taste is refreshingly delightful... you will greatly enjoy it!

    Kombucha is a unique beneficial "pseudo lichen" that will benefit you as it has been benefiting mankind for over two thousand years. Kombucha does not grow in the wild, the only reason it is here today is because people like you have been making it in their kitchens for those many centuries... a testimonial in itself because if millions through the centuries did not find it to have great value it would not be with us today.

    You grow the mushroom in a large gallon glass jar, it resembles a light colored blondish pancake floating on the surface of the tea that it is grown in. Its diameter varies according to the surface area of the liquid tea upon which it forms and its thickness will also vary dependent upon the length of time it is left to grow in the tea. It is usually about 1/8 to inch thick.
    Testimonial - Hair growth, Prostate, Kidneys:
    I've been using Kombucha for about 9 months. I've experienced hair growth and better circulation. Also my prostate feels much healthier. My urination is a wide open flow now and it's clear most of the time... WG
  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    Mac: heheheh re: Sea Monkeys.

    Elsewhere: I got the mushroom at work from one of my office buddies. She tried it, so the whole bank had to try it, too! I don't know if it cured what ailed me, but it didn't taste half bad. It was kinda gross and slimy, though!

    Country Girl

  • Francois

    This kind of behavior in JWs is not surprising since JWs are the type of people who forever feel lost and are looking for someone to follow.

    In the congo I joined in Tennessee, where my uncle was the congregation overseer under the old arrangement, it was open, public beer drinking. Sullivan county was dry when he moved up there and the preachers were in league with the bootleggers to keep it that way (That's right, WT lurkers, I'm talking about the Kingsport, TN congregation back in the fifties. If you want more specific information, why don't you just ask instead of lurk like the cowards you are, and I'll tell you outright).

    That had to come to an end. There's nothing wrong with drinking alcohol. There IS something wrong with imitating the Baptist Church. It didn't take much pushing for the congregation to get into the beer mode either.


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