So we have the English convention this week. A bunch of families whom I know but have not seen in a few years are attending. They are not assigned but got a group together to visit the city and attend a day or two of the convention. We had a get together last night. I shaved my beard to avoid any confrontation. I have to admit I miss a lot of the friends. I had a lot of fun with many of them when I was gun-ho in the organization. We did a lot of things together like camping, Disney world, Travel together.
But how times have changed.
Many of them have already lost their husbands or wives to death. Most of these JWs were elders and MS when I was just a kid coming in. The Single wives and husbands talked a lot about the paradise just around the corner and how happy they will be to see their mates and be with them forever and this time not be interrupted by death.
I was not about to try to wake anyone up and burst their bubble, but I did want to know if anyone knew about the Royal Commission, so I discreetly ask around. There was about 50-60 people there.
Not one of them knew what was going on with the Royal Commission. In fact many have never heard of any child abuse news. Many have never even seen the Dateline stories a few years ago. Many said they hardly watch the news and only get their information from the Magazines.
I don’t think there was anyone there under 50 years of age.