PS - the numbering above is in no particular order. All people mentioned are damned good 'things' about Canada ..well except for exPat who as an accountant can only be called a good thing about Canada. We all know Accountants really wanted to be lion tamers.....
except for exPat who as an accountant can only be called a good thing about Canada. We all know Accountants really wanted to be lion tamers.....
I'll have you know that I never wanted to be lion tamer. Those long noses scared the willies out of me.
As for the rest of your comment, wait till I have my citizenship and can say what I want without fear of deportation, dude! Or maybe I'll forgive this one, since I'm a bit partial to nurses too (except for the ones who don't wear stillettos on the ward).
I am sorry for the oversight but there are many Canadian posters I didn't name but you are definitely one of the great people in this vast country of ours.
What can I say that Monty Python hasn't already covered... smirking
Let me know when the citizenship oath ceremony is, I will happily come down and celebrate a new Canadian!!!