Were You Ever a Member of the Secret Police?

by Swan 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Ed
    Was there a way that you could tell who was apostate and who was the real dub if they dressed alike?

    A quick cast of the Urim & Thummim (WTS GB Standard Issue) sorts 'em out every time.

  • wednesday

    Actually, a family member who is jw left their mate. the mate didn't want to be jw any longer. So my family member is divorced but not scriptually. My family member found another jw , fell in love , and the two of them staked out the former mates home, looking for evidence of adultry.(the former mate was not going to make it easy, and refused to admit anything) So i do believe that some jw individually do this kind of stuff,and years ago i did heard about a group of elders staking out a sis house so they could df her, since she refused ot admit anything. Nowadays, they would just da her for refusing to talk to them.Usually it is just someone that narcs on u, as all jw are taught to narc on each other. i hate to admit it but i have done it too, u get praised for helping keep the org clean. Family members are always suspect, if they are jw..

    also, totally related, but if u have applied for any kind of disability, most of them hire PI's and they will stake out your house and get u on video.there was a 60 minutes eposide a few weeks ago about this, UNUM being the biggest offender.

  • pr_capone

    I never once ratted anyone out. I have never been asked though to join the secret police. I honestly dont know if there was one in my congregation. Hmmmmmmm.

  • Swan

    JWS wrote:

    If cars are staking out your house, I'd look for somebody driven by a strong motivation to get the goods on you. Be it an ex-lover trying to get you in trouble over your new one. Maybe an uptight person who feels you're getting away with too much, hates you, and wants to cause trouble. Elders can and do fall into that sort of profile. But again, time. Somebody without elder duties is more likely to be a spy.

    I have wondered about that too. My uncle was an elder and I don't think he ever had time to do that kind of thing. These incidents were about 8 or 9 years ago, and the car parked down the street may have been there for an entirely different reason than to spy on me. The car following me may have been coincidence. I'm just trying to figure out if it was paranoia or if there really is a WTBTS secret police. It was most likely my overactive imagination due to stress at the time, which is good to know for aiding my recovery process. It doesn't seem likely that there is an organized effort by the WTBTS to police its members and former members. Assembly security and snitching is one thing, but stakeouts, tailing cars, and serious investigation is seemingly more and more unlikely.


  • avishai

    Yes, they do do stakeouts swan, and as for elders being married, not having time, etc. lots of times they just have young m.s's do it, an ex friend of mine wenton more than one, & a DA'd friend of mines house was constantly watched as us younger guys were always going to his house & drinking, etc. We had to park a 1/2 mile off & walk thru a field to get there & often saw elders cars etc.

  • Abaddon

    A sticker on the back of your badge? You got a SECRET STICKER?

    Damn, all I got for being on security was an Attendant badge with a red line through it...

  • Jourles
    A sticker on the back of your badge? You got a SECRET STICKER?

    Damn, all I got for being on security was an Attendant badge with a red line through it...

    By doing security, they told us that they didn't want us to wear "Attendant" cards under our badges because we would blend in better and not attract attention. BTW, I worked security at Denver's old McNichols Arena, now demolished.

  • VeniceIT

    No I wasn't but then again I was a sister....

    JWs I wish you were right in the fact that Elders don't have time for these things, but unfortunelty some do. My dad was SOO involved in WTS stuff that he really wasn't around a lot growing up. He was at meetings almost every night with some commitee or other, and we'd get phone calls around the clock and sometimes he'd have to leave in the middle of the night. Elders do stakeouts when they need to see if someone 'stays the night' at someones house. I've heard them talk about it.

    When they wanted us out 2 years ago they sent us certified mail weekly and staked our house out. I could see a car accross the grass in the back yard where there was an empty lot. It would drive up and park, then turn the lights off and sit there for hours (they were trying to see if we were in town). It was kreepy but I knew it was them, almost made me want to drive over with some coffee and my itenerary for the week hahahha. It actually came out in our trial that they actually had been. They even knew where we'd gone for breakfast on a certain day. It was Very weird!!!!

    I bet they were all fighting over 'during meeting' duty.


  • mrs rocky2
    mrs rocky2

    My dad was assigned to keep tabs on Rocky's uncle. No one was supposed to know but I don't think my dad was very discreet at the time. This all seemed odd to me since my dad lived one state away from the uncle. I used to think the uncle was paranoid but have learned he had reason to be concerned.

    The informant thing thrives in the gossipy JW community. I remember the CO asking me all kinds of very personal questions about Rocky's sister and brother-in-law. We were alone in the car while the others were at a return visit. I was young, it was strange. Of course I didn't know anything about them so wasn't a very good informant.

    When I was much younger a friend was trying to get a scriptural divorce from her wayward JW husband (he had given her some sort of STD due to his infidelity, but this wasn't enough evidence for the elders). Her elder dad helped her hire a private investigator to catch this guy. It was a very sad situation. They finally got their scriptural divorce. But don't know why she was so worried, she ended up DFd for something else.

    Mrs Rocky

  • Swan

    Venice wrote:

    When they wanted us out 2 years ago they sent us certified mail weekly and staked our house out. I could see a car accross the grass in the back yard where there was an empty lot. It would drive up and park, then turn the lights off and sit there for hours (they were trying to see if we were in town). It was kreepy but I knew it was them, almost made me want to drive over with some coffee and my itenerary for the week hahahha. It actually came out in our trial that they actually had been. They even knew where we'd gone for breakfast on a certain day. It was Very weird!!!!

    That's good to know. This was the same city where I live, so maybe I'm not so crazy after all. It all seems rather silly of them, doesn't it? Like multiple Inspector Clouseaus with book bags.

    Of course, we know why they had to watch you, Sweetie. You're so evil!


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