Las Ketchup is SATAN WORSHIP

by Beans 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • rocky220

    uh excuse me but.......religions [and we wont say who] that allow convicted or non-convicted pedophiles to freely roam kingdom halls/churches etc.... on the premise that....",oh, they need to be forgiven, they can change" and this is another good one:"they can go house to house only with another publisher", all the while not warning unsuspecting members in order to keep an eye on their kids!!!! giving Satan plenty of room to play in.......dont kid yourselves!

    And you simpletons are worried about little blue cartoon characters! ketsup song, are you daft!!!!


  • starfish422

    Gosh, next time I'm at the movie theatre waiting for the movie to start, and that ridiculous song comes on, I wonder if I could get them to stop playing it on religious grounds??? LMAO LMAO

    Redhorsewoman....can you clarify.....WIND CHIMES??? What did I miss??

  • Ravyn

    If I am not mistaken, brujeria means sorcery. However, the context of the lyrics is plain---the guy is so sexy he is 'magical' . I am surprised they are upset about the 'magical' words and not about the obvious references to sex! I guess my grandma will have to get rid of her old music-she loves 'Some ENCHANTED Evening' and 'That Old Black Magic' but of course she can keep her PlayGirl Magazines....


  • Beans

    If you don't have a guilty conscience I guess its not bad eh!


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