Poem for Jesika

by Yizuman 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Yizuman

    Who Else But A Mother

    Who first loves and nurtures us and takes care of every need,
    as she accepts into her life someone new to bathe and feed?

    Who brags about accomplishments; first teeth...first sounds...first smile
    and makes every little thing that's done seem important and worthwhile?

    Whos been known to, after dark enter a room and slowly creep
    to bend and kiss the forehead of a child fast asleep?

    Who holds a hand while crossing as she thoughtfully conveys
    a reminder to her child that he should always "look both ways?"

    Who wipes peanut butter off a cheek and crayon off the wall
    and knots an untied shoelace to avoid a likely fall?

    Who watches the swift passing of childhood years that she will mourn,
    and remembers every small detail about the day that child was born?

    Who works the longest hours without a vacation...or a check,
    but accepts her payment in the form of a hug around her neck?

    Who never stops believing even when others are in doubt
    and defends the fact her child was "safe" when the umpire calls him out!?

    Who senses things just arent right and with the palm of her hand decrees
    by placing it on her childs brow... the fevers 101 degrees?

    Who shares lifes disappointments and feels the pain of all the bruises
    and delights in her childs winnings, but offers solace when he loses?

    Who realizes as the years pass by... the further her child will roam
    and who stays up late with worry when that child isnt home?

    Who tries to shield and protect by showing courage...staying strong;
    trying to set a good example while her heart is breaking all along?

    Who acts as a private tutor as the years fall in succession
    by taking each opportunity to teach lifes every lesson?

    Who listens with her heart even when her child is grown
    and understands the feelings that she once herself, had known?

    Who saved old cards and letters and kept pictures on the shelves
    and offered unconditional love so we could learn to love, ourselves?

    This poem describes one person; a woman unlike any other,
    for who could possess that level of love...

    Who Else, But A Mother?

    Jesika, hang in there, for there is love among friend here on this forum and we all love you and will keep you in our thoughts and hearts.


    Edited by - Yizuman on 7 January 2003 23:41:44

  • Jesika

    Thanx Yiz that was beautiful!!!

    Who wrote that???

    I copied and pasted it to my notebook.

    You make me.



  • LyinEyes

    I love that poem. That was just what Jesika needed to hear right now. That it what we are here for tosupport each other , in our most troublesome times.

    Jesika,,, you are a great person , a great friend and a loving mother........we all love you bunches.

    Now why are you not in that bubble bath right now????,, Hugs sent your way,,,love ya ,Dede

  • Yizuman
    Thanx Yiz that was beautiful!!!

    Who wrote that???

    I copied and pasted it to my notebook.

    You make me.



    It was written by Linda Ellis

    Glad to be of a service


  • Yizuman

    Made something special for Mom!


  • ugg

    great poem......thinking of you jesika

  • Jesika

    Thanx Yiz.

    I am doing much better today.

  • ApagaLaLuz

    Hey Yiz..... Not that I'm bitter, but I can tell you who else..... The Aunts who have spent the child's entire life with them. Then rescued them from their abusive, drug addicted and dealing, homeless mothers who didn't give a rats ass about them, just so long as they got their welfare check every month. That's who else can do that. Those who can't have children, but instead save the lives of the children of the asshole, deadbeat mothers who don't appreciate the gift that they were given.

    blah.... sorry I'm a little worked up this morning

  • Yizuman
    Jesika - Thanx Yiz.

    I am doing much better today.

    Glad to hear that hun!


  • Scarlet

    Not to step on any toes but can you say STALKER????

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