To trust or not too trust; that is my question. I have a very big problem with trust. WHO? FOR THE LOVE OF GOD WHO? The JWs? The JW family members? The xJWs? the never ever JWs (aka worldly people)? Who can i trust? Maybe a better question would be - How do I trust? Does anybody know? Anybody here?
Is this a product of being a JW? or just another mental health case history? Or, the combo package. BOTTOM LINE IS: I still don't know where i belong. WHERE DO I FIT? DO I CHOSE THE FIT OR DOES IT CHOSE ME?
I'm reallyt hurting 7 upset now, and most likely not accurately expressing the question I would like answered
I don't want hugs or sympathy. just answers; scientific, logical behavioral modification answers if they exist or your own experiances. PLEASE don't respond if you think I need a swift boot of "get over it" is what I need. been there, done that. sorry if that sounds really angry, but i've had more than my share of it.
thanks all
Edited by - moreisbetter on 8 January 2003 3:35:17
Edited by - moreisbetter on 8 January 2003 5:4:49
Edited by - moreisbetter on 8 January 2003 14:31:9