Sorry to be vague before was just curious if there was anyone that was aware of him .Stan Athington is a child abuser and has abused 3 members of my family he was in court yet again on the 6 jan for yet another victim.He is from the Bolton area but over the last 30 years his victims have been from around the whole of the north west.Appreciate the response from members of this board and will look forward to talking more in the near future.Does anybody know anything else about him?
by burnley fc 21 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
I take it that you are his brother?
Or am I barking up the wrong tree?
Have you any press info about the cases?
Burnley, since a few people know this guy, if he is the guy I knew, he would be about 60, married and suffers with bad nerves, has at least one son and has some trouble with his brother, he lives in Bolton, as far as I know all his family are really not going to get away with simply making a serious allegation without proof etc.
As much as we are interested in this sort of thing we could do with some more info here....thanks!
burnley fc
No i'm not his brother but am just someone who knows what he has got up to due to members of my family being involved.There will be a lot of new information that will be coming forward relating to him over the next month,unfortunately i have'nt got any press release details regarding these cases.I was present at court on Monday and found out a lot more of just exactly what he's been up to recently which is very disturbing considering he is still free to roam about and still continue to target the vunerable,young and innocent children out there.How come you know of him anyway?
City Fan
Burnley FC,
When does this go to trial ?
Last time he was in court (about 12 years ago) his case was front page news of the local paper and it mentioned he was a JW. He was never sentenced though. I could never understand how he managed to escape a custodial sentence. Maybe his past is starting to catch up with him again.
I recall a Bolton PO by the name of Ben Winterbottom. This other falla's name means nowt to me though.
burnley fc
City Fan
The court case is on trial at Bolton Crown Court on the 14th Feb.He previously signed a confession charge sheet admitting his guilt for the charges against him.I personally went because i thought he was in custody and awaiting to be sentenced,however to my horror we were informed upon arriving that he was only in custody for a week then released on bail.There were several confrontations at the Court between him and his victims this lasted for about 2-3min this was about to get out of control,then his name got called out and the hearing was about to go ahead.When we went into court he asked for us all to be removed to which the judge rightly said there was no reason to do this so we stayed.Upon stopping we heard that he wanted to withdraw his confession and plead not guilty to all of the charges( 5 charges had been brought against him he admitted and signed a confession to 4 out of the 5).The result meant that the court was ajourned to see if this was possible to the date above in Feb.
Some positives came out however from Monday,interestingly when his name was called out over the speakers they asked for Mr Stan Artington.It turns out that they had his name spelt wrong,as a result of this none of his previous convictions had been brought up in court this was found out after the hearing and the issue is being dealt with.How this happened we do not know but as we know perverts will try anything they can to carry on doing what they are doing so this is something which i would obviously not put past him.
The court case you can remember was in Rossendale and one of the victims was one of my relatives.Why he was'nt sentenced is something to which not only my family but no doubt the latest victims family have asked themselves recently.Hope this information helps-did you use to be in his cong,circuit?
City Fan
I'm from the Bolton area so the newspaper article stuck in my mind.
I'm going to get the original front page news story from the archives at the reference library this weekend to see what it actually said. From what I can remember he was found guilty but was never given a custodial sentence. Not sure why - maybe the article will say.
I think he's in Rose Hill, Bolton cong still, or he was last time I knew. He was re-instated about 13 years ago - just before the newspaper article. I don't know if he has been disfellowshipped again since.
It must have taken courage for everyone involved to have faced him in court.
Like father like son!
I knew them both!
Wow, I wonder where his dad Stan is these days?