Did you throw your meeting clothes out?

by sleepy 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • willdabeerman

    most of em. but the ones i kept i cut up for excellent oil rags. the old suits are cool for laying on the driveway to collect oil drips from my 69 valient.

  • mrs rocky2
    mrs rocky2

    We still have Mr Rocky's suits, but they are hardly worn. They were getting a little tight right after we bought them, which was before we quit going to meetings. My clothes...I never did the 'dress up to kill Jesus' thing (new clothes for memorial and every assembly/convention). So I only had a few things, mostly skirts and blouses. So they've all worn out. My kids got rid of everything almost right away. The youngest misses having someplace to go all dressed up. Not much dress up occasions in college. Don't miss having to drop big bucks on winter boots and wool coats for winter service.

    Mrs Rocky

  • Witch Child
    Witch Child

    I burned my frumpy meeting clothes!!! Gods! They were awful.


  • morrisamb

    Good question..actually it made me laugh...I haven't been to a meeting since '85 but I kept my horrible clothes until my partner went through my closet (no pun intended) and said, "This has got to go!"

    I have a photo of my baptism suit in '78 on the fourth page of my web site..here's the exact link...Ps. the glasses had to go to!!!


  • blondie

    My meeting clothes are my work clothes, so I don't anticipate any problem as I fade, unless I lose weight because the pressure is off.


  • Mulan

    I sure did, and all those awful high heels too.

  • pr_capone

    I kept my suits since my line of work requires me to dress rather formal at times. They came in handy.... I would have been pretty sore if I couldnt use those suits after spending what little money I have on them.

  • Goshawk

    After getting "da boot" for false accusations against me, I had some extra time. To help with the stress of the changes in my life I started going to the gym and working very hard. As it turned out in about a year I had outgrown my suits in the shoulders and chest. I kept one suit to remind me of meddling elderettes and just how "spiritually guided" the jc really was.

    Its nice to be reminded of how much personal progress has been made since then.

  • LovesDubs

    I had to throw/give mine all away. No amount of washing could get the smell of Dunkin Donuts out of em LOL!!


  • Thunder Rider
    Thunder Rider

    I was supposed to wear clothes ??????No wonder they told me to leave!!!!

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