how many ex circuit, district ,zone overseers ?

by dannywalsh 29 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Howdy Sparks! Hey watch it with that giant size font and type next time. Up till now my wife has been the only one who could make my eyes roll back in my head.

  • minimus

    I was a circuit overseer at one time....Yeah, that's it. No wait a minute. I was a district servant. I mean, a zone overseer. I actually was the president of the society, and still am.....ya.

  • Sparks

    Hi Every-body, especally Outoftheorg/BIG Tex and Brummie,SORRY-SORRY-SORRY guys,about the HUGE font size......I`m new to working on a compuer and teaching myself as I go along, it`s a small miracle I`ve come this far.!!! I keep pressing all the wrong keys etc...Thankyou all for informing me about the text size and computer etiquette as I don`t wish to offend any-one. Judging from you lot( your graphics etc..) your old lags at this game, and very professional.....I just hope you don`t know how to hack into my computer, I wouldn`t want you to see my secret stash of web-cam movies made of elders having a gay time in Bethel.....!!!Any, sorry again guys.Thanks for informing me that I`ve already started a `thread` as I didn`t realise.....But wheres all the woman in England/Scotland??????Outoftheorg, I enjoyed your story of the electrician and how he got his Yes you probably guessed, I`m an electrian too.I re-wire houses etc..not Trucks, and haven`t electrocuted any-one YET.....!!Sparks is a common nick-name here in England for electricans, up North their called `Leckies`.....bit of totally useless information for ya...!!!! No more sassing Brother Beans......Bollocks, this creep and all the rest of them need waking up, they all live in some-sort of Dreamworld where nothing effects them, which is created by this party-line you mentioned.And as I stated afore in differant words,being surrounded by yes-men and Brown-noses, smellig fresh paint every-where they go etc..etc..especially people always agreeing with them/laughing etc...psychologically this puts them in some weird-utopia. Thomas Grey said.....`ignor---ance is bliss`...!!!!!! Thanks again guys...and SORRY again Big Tex......( I don`t like to up-set people who may own a gun...).

  • xenawarrior
    No more sassing Brother Beans......Bollocks, this creep and all the rest of them need waking up, they all live in some-sort of Dreamworld where nothing effects them, which is created by this party-line you mentioned.And as I stated afore in differant words,being surrounded by yes-men and Brown-noses, smellig fresh paint every-where they go etc..etc..especially people always agreeing with them/laughing etc...psychologically this puts them in some weird-utopia. Thomas Grey said.....`ignor---ance is bliss`...!!!!!!


    I don't think you are getting it about Beans- District Overbeer not Overseer!!!


  • Sparks

    While I`m sitting here waiting for some ex-big shot witness to answer the question starting this thread......does any-one know about ANTIQUES here, especially from the first century Christian times? if you do, please get lost a minute, as I have some post-cards for sale to district overseer`s or other high ranking witnesses with plenty of dosh to spread around. I was on holiday last year in Jerusalem, and bought some really old post-cards on a greasy market stool,the Arab selling them said their all from the first century,and genuine antiques.......I will translate them for you- The first card is from a man called Saul, sent to friends in Corinth from some-where just out-side Damascus,( his writing is slightly illegible) it says....`Hi Guys! having a blinding time....Two long letters to follow`...... The second card is from a small band of Christian brothers in Lystra..`Dear All,checkin` out the night-life in Lystra.Locals seem abit hostile.Good food,wine and beer.Paul got stoned last night and woke-up out-side the city walls.......Next card is from Caesars`wife...`Hi Ceez, visiting Disney World,place fall of shouting/screaming little brats....wish you was Her--od..........All the 100%guaranteed genuine ANTIQUE post-cards are for sale at just $200each( post&packing $100 each) Be the envy of the Watchtoer Bible Tract now while stocks last!!!(send e-mail).

  • Sparks

    Yeah thanks xen awarrior......The pennys finnally dropped..!!! I`m sure if Beans message would have read.....

    Hi, I`m the Canadian District Overqueer ! I have been serving for about a year now and am enjoying meeting brothers and sisters from around the world ! Newbies and visiters to this web-site for the first time would have INSTANTLY realised it wasn`t a real Jehovahs witness District Overseer talking to other Jehovahs witnesses and trying to be witty. To follow your example, maybe I should change my username to DAN SID-LICK ( that should really confuse the visitors and Newbies, after-all, it`s a million miles from Dan Sydlik...!!!).


    Got to rush-off now and get down the Indian Take Away before the Health insector.........

  • Beans

    Well Sparks, it seems the next time I am in the UK you will be getting a Shepparding call and will be in front of the Jubeeral committee and forced to sustain an even flow of pints until you see the new light.

    Now please do not respond to this post until you have read our web site completly with a report!


  • Sparks

    Hi yyyya Brotherrrr Beanzzzzzzz(hic) on my twentiifff can of Fosterrrrrzzzzzzzzz( hic) I`mm tryingg to be a goood dizzziple and followw in yorrr foot strepszzzz ( hic-zarrrrrrr) messaggge understood Sirrr, will now rrrrread your web-zite and zzubmit a report....pleazzzzzzzzzz beer along we me ... back sssssoon (hic)

    Ha ha ha...very funny, I`ve only been gone twenty minutes, now I``m as sober as a Judge...( that was a rotten trick to pull on me...Brother Beans).Still it`s worth remembering, I`ll recommend it to any witnesses that come banging on my door in the future....maybe it will sober them up too....

    I haven`t read all your pages yet, I had to come off after seeing a little JW with a flash-light moving around the screen.....I was frightend I`d start seeing pink elephants next, but I will return later...Actually Beans, your web-site was one of, if not, the first web-site I visited on buying this computer. It`s the first really rebellious thing I did while still regarding myself as a Jehovah`s witness, I was starting to feel like I was in a One flew over the Cockoo`s nest situation (film with Jack Nickelson) and in some sort of terrible nightmare- Dreamworld, surounded by the just like the Americian guy in Midnight Express (film) I desided to walk around the other way....

    The first thing that impressed me about your web-site, apart from the set-up and very professional graphics,was the amazing amount of research you`ve must has taken years !!! But un-like when reading stuff about the witnesses or seeing Panarama on TV where my first trained re-action was `no...this can`t be true......With your plain and simple ` YOU said it...Take-it or leave it...I`m not saying a bloody word...approach, it was like having a cold shower at first, then like you`d just walked in the Gents toilet at an assembly and cault one of the Governimg Body spankin` the pony.........It was like finding the missing pieces of a jig-saw puzzal for me personally Beans, because for a bout twenty years or more I``ve either felt deeply patronized by the same old stuff being repeated for 5 hours a week or more, not including the reading or brain deadened.I felt deeply sorry for the brothers and sisters that had been in the congregation even longer than me (30 years).So I desided to make my next talk really Deep and highly philosopical, so I dug in to the OLD Wachtowers and publications.....After two minutes into my talk I had 150 witnesses staring at me with their mouths open and two elders waving at me and pulling stupid faces....And no-body opened their bible on my request to read a scripture in Philemon..........(obviously they had never read other scriptures apart from 2 Timothy 3 etc...which are used in EVERY meeting). What really hurt me was that they treated me like some sort of nut case after that....or Apostate....So you can understand Beans how your fantastic web-site effected me personally. The Jehovah`s witnesses are frightend of their own shaddow behind them......

    ( If you are brand new here, or just visiting this web-site, please go to Bean`s web-site, it`s in the LAST MESSAGE)

    I`ll send in another report Beans if you want me to, please ask....I welcome your Shepparding call.ANY-TIME... I`ll roll out the red carpet for you at Heathrow.....Ha Beans, a long time ago, I saw a huge bill-bourd near the airport ..It said ` DRINK CANADA DRY.......was that one of yours????


    Speaking of Overbeers. . .

    I figure . . .it's time we had an Apostafest again in Canada. . . say the middle of Canada. . . for example, Saskatoon would be a great location! Yup. . . I nominate Saskatoon!!


  • Beans


    Thank you for taking the time to flip through the web-site, I cannot take any credit for it as it is my dear friends! I am the VP of Marketing at the web-site and do a little research for additions here and there. The originator of the site posts here as Quotes!

    The story of me and Quotes can be viewed at this link

    Now drinking Canada dry is impossible, there is too much to drink here with a minimal population, but we sure are trying! You and I also have something in common, I am also a sparky!

    May the flock be with you!


    Canadian District Overbeer

    Estee, you should heard in the Saskatchewan flock and report back to the Overbeer. Please send us some Saskatoon Seal Skin Bindings are supplies are running low here in Ontario.

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