Would you post as much if...

by Jourles 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • Prisca

    I post if and when I want to, I'm not bothered with the number of posts I or anyone else has posted. I know I've posted alot, but I don't aim to reach any particular mark, nor am I in some competition with someone as to who posts the most. That's why I rarely ever post in threads where someone has become a "Jedi" or "Emperor" - posting numbers don't mean anything to me. The only time I'll look at the number of posts a person has made is when I see a name I haven't seen before, and I look to see how long they've been here and how much they've been involved with the site.

    I find the dates interesting, because it give some idea how long a person has been associated with the board.

    LOL @ Irongland - btw, I don't drink coffee, so if I win, can I have a milkshake maker?

  • Solace


    I know what you mean, I actually mentioned something similar in Simons thread last month.



    Such a happy guy, you are.

    I just love your positive and uplifting posts.

  • Mac

    Proud to be a.....................

    Newbie for Life!!!!

    mac, of the yawning class

    Edited by - mac on 8 January 2003 20:52:6

  • Kismet

    Well take a look at my start date and the number of posts I have made.

    I have been posting within 2 months of the site opening and lurked for the prior month before finally speaking up. To this point I haven't even reached 1,000 posts.

    The whole title thing started as a joke and developed into a long running joke. Some have made it a goal but most really don't really care about such things IMO


    PS - Now in real life it is tough to get me to shut up and would be a "Senior Master Jedi Emperor Member" if face to face conversations were included LOL

  • Jourles

    Heaven, you said in that earlier post:

    Sometimes titles of superiority or status almost remind me of a place employment or even the Kingdom hall. The "Im better than you" thing, ya know?

    Yes. Exactly what I thought of. "I'm an elder's wife." "I am a special pioneer." "I am the Vice President of National Operations, and have a masters in business administration from Harvard."

    Kismet -

    Now in real life it is tough to get me to shut up and would be a "Senior Master Jedi Emperor Member" if face to face conversations were included LOL
    HA HA, yeah. If that was true of me, I would be a newbie for the rest of my life!
  • Aztec

    Damn Jourles you posted FOUR times in one thread! Sure you don't wanna pace yourself?


  • Jourles

    Here's 5, for a grand total of 330!! Another 640 until I reach Jedi!

  • Aztec

    Keep up this pace and you'll be there is 128 days! DAMN! I promise to start the congratulatory thread!


  • LDH

    LOL @ Jourles.

    For my money, Simon could remove the number of posts altogether, and just leave the "Member since blah blah blah."

    Most of us who have been here a while know each other. We are net friends. I don't care for the QUANTITY of posts as much as the quality of the posts, though.

    One other thing. Something that may make a difference, I don't know, is how fast someone can type. Myself, I type about 75-80 words per minute, so it's not a labor to jot a quick thought down. However, I could see how someone with a lot to say, but has poor typing skills, would not be a frequent poster.

    What say you all? Are the most prolific posters also the fastest typists?


  • Kismet


    First of all "HI" !!

    as far as typing sped being a factor, I think not since we share a similiar typing speed and I am not yet a jedi.

    All the best of the new year to you and yours!!


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