First impression was, wow, Watchtower artists are having 1960's bad acid trip flashbacks. But now looking at it again I'm left wondering if...
Due to the head-bands the cranium suffered from compression leading to chronic head-aches and susceptibility to satanic influence. The GB 3.0 had warned not to exert unnecessary pressure on their recently resurrected noggins and rebels decided to disregard the Channel's Direction to their mortal detriment.
And the guy with the mustache and the goatee is definitely asking for it, didn't he know it was rebellious and anti JW.0rg to grow facial hair?
BTW posting this during our meeting and the little girl in the row in front of me just pooped her diapers which for quite a little one it was a quite audible bowel movement--immediately after the moving part about the leper getting touched--quite moving. I'm thinking about moving myself to another row if her mom or dad don't do something quick about the wafting odor and go change the poor kid. You gotta have a sense of humor I'd say!