Are you still looking for a meaning to life?

by sleepy 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • sleepy

    I havent bothered thinking much about the deeper issues of life recently but why not start again I thought to my self, and i ask the questions what are we and how did we get here?And i ask these in the biggest sense ie, not how did we get here on earth but how and why did the whole show sart in the first place.

    Its easy to say the universe just happened , we just evolved and our conscious existance is just a freak of nature.But these answers sweep over the main issues which are far deeper.

    I learnt to reject Ghosts, Gods, Angels and supernatural phenomena , but my own existance is more perversely strange to a logical mind than any of these, and yet I do exist.

    What the hell is it all about I wonder?

  • joelbear

    I keep rethinking it and keep coming up with the same answers.

  • JH

    Jesus sais that the "Truth would liberate you". I guess that the teachings of the Watchtower didn't liberate you?

  • freedom96

    Just because the WTS is a lie, doesn't mean God is a lie, and that you shouldn't have faith in him.

  • logical

    The meaning of life.....

  • NameWithheld
    I learnt to reject Ghosts, Gods, Angels and supernatural phenomena , but my own existance is more perversely strange to a logical mind than any of these, and yet I do exist.

    Are you sure that you really exist? Prove it

  • JH

    Many answers are in the bible. I still believe that the bible is God's word. Certain things he will tell us, and others are not for us to know.

  • truthseeker1

    I never was really big on the meaning of life. I'm here and thats what matters to me. Why, I can never be sure. But what I know is I'm here now so I'm gonna enjoy this life that I got. Perhapse that is the meaning of lie.

  • sleepy

    Personnally I can't see why the bible should contain the answers to these questions.All we can know about the bible is that it was written at some point (points) in time , there is no statement found in the bible as to where the universe comes from ,where God comes from and what consciouness is.

  • auntiem

    I think one has to take into consideration all the ancient writings of all the civilizations that is available to us today. Somewhere along the line men made decisions as to what was inspired and what was not. Were they correct? Or did they accept certain writings because it fit into their scheme of things? We have some pretty ugly history that shows us how humankind has used holy writings to control others, and many of us have experianced control by an organization that is presumptouess enough to claim that they have the only truth for all of humankind. Whether or not you should believe in a god or Jehovah god is not up for speculation, because each one of us is going to believe what we want to because we need to. If you believe in a god, thats ok. Thank your god each day for the life you have and enjoy it. If you don't believe in god thats ok too. Live each day like its your last and be joyful for every breath you take.

    May you find peace on your journey and live and let live.


    aUnTiE M

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