
by Stefanie 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • Liberty

    Sorry I upset you Stephanie,

    We have a baby due in June and the thought of a Watch Tower style demon messing with it is where I drew my inspiration from in the comments that offended you. If I allowed WT superstitions to control my life again I too would have my stomach turned, but because I have studied hard to become a skeptic using reason, logic, and the scientific method these irrational fears have dissapated. I replied to your thread because I wanted you to have the same peace of mind that I have come to know in a world without superstition.

    By looking to the natural world for our answers instead of religion, science has solved many problems which once left humans helpless and paralized with fear. Sickness was once considered to be caused by evil spirits and useless religious rituals were used to try and help people but they died anyway because the cause was not demons or spirits but microbes. If science had never looked to the natural world for solutions and insisted on believing in the supernatural we would still suffer the high death rates found just a few hundred years ago. Your life can be better if you allow science to help you with your problems instead of relgion and spirit mediums. The natural explainations you were offered are a better way to confront and solve the strange events which frightened you. A Dr. or social worker may be able to provide some help if your problem was caused by blackouts or sleepwalking. A nieghbor may have the same TV remote as yours which could be causing your TV to go off and on or an electrical problem which can be fixed may be to blame. In any case, I offered my opinion so that you could seek real solutions to your problems rather than useless imaginary solutions offered by religion and spiritists.

    You are free to believe what you want but we offered you opinions so you can make an informed choice. The Watch Tower doesn't give its followers a wide variety of opinions to choose from, it's their way or the highway. Here you are free to seek any answers you wish. In closing I'd just like to say that the real world is horrible enough and I worry about my baby so not having to face an unseen world of supernatural (imaginary?) dangers too makes my life just a little better because I can concentrate my energies on what can be seen, studied, and solved.

  • rem

    Some great books on this topic:

    Demon Haunted World, Carl Sagan

    Why People Believe Weird Things, Micheal Shermer

    Pseudoscience and the Paranormal, Terrence Hines

    Everyone who is troubled by spirits should read at least one of these books. You will find comfort with knowledge.


  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    Myself growing up I as a child and because of the Jdub upbringing, was in fear that I might bring something home that might have a "demon" attached to it. I can recall as a child in our old house just before I would go to sleep or awake, I would see someone coming into my bedroom and it would frighten me. Once I thought someone was at the foot of my bed and I jumped out of my bed on top of them screaming. I woke up the whole house but no one was there. In my mind it was not spirits but I was always afraid of someone breaking in to the house. I think it was due to the superstitious beliefs of a cult, to keep the membership in line by scaring the crap out of you and an over active imaginations of a child. As I have gotten older I don't have these visions anymore. I have done some reading on the subject and have found it is only a persons active imagination and what sleep experts refer to as Night Terrors. What I am saying is I don't think you are crazy but what can seem as the supernatural happenings can be explained logically.


    Edited by - william penwell on 10 January 2003 13:41:49

  • Nickey

    You can't slap a "logical" explanation on a dozen people in the same room seeing a "ghost" and having it interact with them. Not in blurs of light, but in human form. Walking and talking.

    That's all I have to say about that.

  • rem


    Unfortunately human perception is horribly subjective and second-hand anecdotes are not reliable 'evidence'. And group hallucinations are common under certain circumstances. All you have to do is educate yourself on the subject to see that it is not evidence of a supernatural realm, but, rather, gives us much insight into human psychology. When ever I research a particularly tantalizing evidence of the paranormal, my excitement wanes when under closer scrutiny the story falls apart.

    If you could provide more information about this alleged event, I'd like to look into it further. Is it published anywhere?


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