It's been a long time since I've visited this site. The last time that I was here I was not allowed to participate in this forums discussions for as it was explained to me, "you dont share in our beliefs, therefore your comments, ideas, and expressions would cause conflict, and disunity among those of us who do share in the truth." The day I recieved the denial, I broke down in tears and prayed that Jesus Christ would bring down the walls of hatred and mistrust among those here and that He would allow me the blessed opportunity to some day share the JOY that I have found in Him. As I sat back and read some of what was shared among the people of this forum after my denial I couldnt help but think of 2Peter 2:1-3 and feel that the "many" spoken of, were the very ones who denied me my chance to share Christ with them. 2Peter 2:1-3 says, "But there were also false prophets among the people, [the people that are spoken of in the first part of this verse, are those outside of the church], notice what he says next," just as there will be false teachers among you." [Yes, this means that there are false teachers within the church also], it goes on to say, "They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, [ you dont need to be born again, if your not one of the 144,000, this being one of the most destructive heresies of all, for by teaching this, they are denying one their very salvation] it goes on to say, "even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them- bringing swift destruction on themeselves. [The Lord who bought them is none other then Jesus Christ who bought us with His very life.] "Many will follow their shameful ways and will bring the way of truth into disrepute." [ Shameful ways? Qoutas, counting time, selling the societies magazines and books twice, yes, once to the sheep under the guise of "donation" and a second time to those from whom the sheep aquire their minutes, again under the guise of "donation." Or, claiming to be Jehovahs "mouthpiece" and changing there teaching on one doctrine 7 times. In some cases returning to the old teaching that they once stated was "new light" and denied as truth. The societies light hasnt been getting brighter, its been blinking on and off.;)The verse goes on to say,"In their greed these teachers will exploit you with stories they have made up." [The Pyriamid of Giza measurements applying to the return of Christ in the late 1800's then when he didnt return, 1914, and then again when He didnt return visibly, it became invisable. The teaching was adopted from the Seventh Day Adventist Church, for they were the first to claim that Christ returned invisably in 1914, not the Watchtower Society, as they claim. These are just a few of the many thousands of "stories they have made up" to expoit there sheep.] But why? Nearly $1,000,000,000.00 dollars is why. [The Societies worth as of a few years ago.] Its not about Christ, its about increasing membership, its not about love for man kind, its about love of money, its not about love for you the sheep, its about love for the Society. "Come to Jehovahs Orginization for Salvation." I'll continue to pray for all the lost souls, for Jesus does answer prayers, just look at the incredable changes here. WOW!!!!!!!! God IS an awesome God. Pray for my encounter with the elders which starts at 1:00p.m this day the 14 of April. Believe me, I will feel your prayers and they will strengthen me in this time of sharing His Joy! May the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit bless all of you.
A Message of Hope
by 7robert7 29 Replies latest jw friends
You are making it up as you go along. You were not told that you could not post here because of your beliefs. You did not cry because it never happened, and you are not going to go see any elders. Before you make up stories, do some homework in order to make them more believable.
Hi there
Thanks for your message of joy.
I dissagree on one point. That is although the WTBTS is a billion
dollar affair and it is sustained by the literature placement in
particular, you cannot make the statement that money is its motivation
unless you can show some individuals that get wealthy from it.Watters makes a big hype about this, but there is still no evidence
that any one person or group has become wealthy due to the WTBTS.I suggest, that initially it started as it said as a bible truth
seeking group, and trapped itself along a path and has had to keep
modifying and manipulating hoping that it will work out somehow.The concept of "where are we to go" applies in a big way to the
organisers of the WTBTS. If they admit to themselves that they had
it all wrong, then their world will collapse.Only relatively few are as brave and courageous as Ray Franz. And
the courage is in how to admit to yourself that you were wrong in
teaching something that controlled negatively the lives of millions.a penny's worth
I think what larc is trying to say, and your words make clear, is that you are a damn liar.
I dissagree on one point. That is although the WTBTS is a billion
dollar affair and it is sustained by the literature placement in
particular, you cannot make the statement that money is its motivation
unless you can show some individuals that get wealthy from it.MDS made some comments that show that in the "She lives in shameless luxury" and "Babylon the Great" threads
Two words:
Para graphs
7robert7: ???????
you wrote:
...although the WTBTS is a billion
dollar affair and it is sustained by the literature placement in
particular, you cannot make the statement that money is its motivation
unless you can show some individuals that get wealthy from it.and
...there is still no evidence that any one person or group has become wealthy due to the WTBTS.
BugEye, while I agree with you, that I have not seen any proof yet, that one person or group has become wealthy due to the WTBS - besides the WTBS itself - there is one important point, that I think you are missing:
The motivation to make money does not have to stem from the wish to become wealthy. A lot of people just want power, personal power - and get it by the means of controlling multi-billion $$$-'companies'. And power the WTBS - and the men representing it - has got. Maybe they don't care about being wealthy - but they sure care about staying in power and even gaining more of it... They love it!
It's been a long time since I've visited this site. The last time that I was here I was not allowed to participate in this forums discussions for as it was explained to me, "you dont share in our beliefs, therefore your comments, ideas, and expressions would cause conflict, and disunity among those of us who do share in the truth."
Maybe you have this site confused with WOL or
People commonly treat money and power as though they are interchangable.
This however is an error, for although they are mostly found together,
they are not interchangable.Ghandi was one of the most powerful men yet he had little wealth.
Bill Gates has the most money in the world, yet although he has power
his power is nowhere near comparable to his wealth.There is no doubt that the men in Bethel are control "freaks" and
are pharisees by nature, but this does not in any way infer that
money is their motivation. Using this argument simply weakens the
case against them.Use strong argument and points that are not only verifiable but
pertinent.Using this argument also introduces complexity where none is
nessesary.Better still, use the NWT to show that they are not only wrong, but
also ungodly in behaviour.Sorry for being so adament, but as a scientist, I know all too well
weak and unsubstantiated argument promotes conflict. Where the WTBTS
is concerned, it also allows believers to have loopholes to escape
through.Although it is wrong, people use the theory that if one bit is right
then it is all right. And if one bit is wrong then it is all wrong.
Giving a weak argument, even in only a small part allows someone who
is doubting but wants to believe to say "oh they are wrong in that, so
I wont read anymore"Help your fellowman and woman to be set free by thinking carefully
and using strong points.Dave
BTW Logical
I couldnt find those threads you referred to.