Drama played at pioneer school

by StarTrekAngel 13 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • StarTrekAngel

    I was having breakfast at home earlier this morning when my MIL sat down at the table. She started re hashing her previous day with us (wife and myself). She was relating a story she got from another close relative who just finished the pioneer school. I got into the conversation half way so I did not know if this happened in a social gathering or something else. She was referring a play that went on as follows...

    One brother played the role of an angel. He was standing guard at the entrance of paradise. Another brother approached. I guess either after the big A or resurrection. He wanted to enter the paradise but the angel stopped him and said

    Angel- I need to see if your name is written in my book

    Brother- it should be

    Angel- I don't see it here and that means you many not enter but lets us find out if there is a way we can help you. Did you attend all meeting?

    Brother- I believe I did.

    Angel- Lets us ask. Chair (as in chair from the KH), did he attend all meetings?

    Chair- Yes he did, but for the most part, he kept me warm. Nothing else

    Angel- Fair enough. Insight book, did he read you?

    Book- (coughing) Not so much, that is why I am covered in dust

    Angel- Watchtower magazine, did he ever picked you up and study you?

    WT magazine- No not really, and considering that I have lost weight, he should have been able to. (this las one really made me laugh. Lost weight=got thinner)

    In a nutshell this concluded the play. It was only then that I realized that this wasn't some brother trying to play artist. This was at the pioneer school. There was a few other examples but this were the highlights. Nowhere there was any questions to wether this brother was honest and loving or if he showed any other christian qualities.

    I pointed that out to my mother in law and she said that is exactly what she needed to hear from that play. Something that made her think how she lacked appreciation for Jehovah's provisions (namely books and magazines). I had to re iterate I was referring to the other christian qualities that I mentioned. That got her thinking but after a while, she changed the subject.

  • millie210

    Someone put a creative spin on the dogma didnt they?

    JWs are so squelched and starved for creativity that they will think the message is good just because it has a spark of different in the way its served up.

    Your point is a good one however...its the same with how ministerial servants and elders a chosen...field service time and meeting attendance are scrutinized, character isnt even mentioned..

  • OverlappingGeneralizations

    I would hate to have somebody talk to the chair I sat in...

    Angel- Lets us ask. Chair (as in chair from the KH), did he attend all meetings?

    Chair- For what I can remember, he did. I felt a lack of respect for Jehovah's house as he unleashed a constant barrage of flatulation through the entire program. He was careful not to make noise, but I believe that only made the attacks more pungent.

  • cappytan
    So they pulled a Clint Eastwood?
  • AlwaysBusy
    What about Jehovah and Jesus, any mention of them? Stupidest thing I've ever heard... Puke.
  • BluesBrother

    I was waiting for the punch line.....convinced the post was a spoof...

    If that really was put across (would they need to tell Pioneers?) it is like some of the hammy demos that we used to do at the more theatrical Circuit Assemblies of at least 50 years ago......

  • Island Man
    Island Man
    What! no mention of the need to read the bible or the need to have faith in Jesus? Why am I not surprised?
  • OverlappingGeneralizations

    "One brother played the role of an angel. He was standing guard at the entrance of paradise."

    I know it was just metaphorical. But still. They just had to work in a "Saint Peter standing at the pearly gates" joke.

    Plus, they left out that heartwarming bit where he is deemed unworthy, and tossed lovingly into the lake of fire.


    LOL!!! Here's one:

    Angel: Did you report allegations of child sexual abuse to the Superior Authorities who are set up by the only true God??

    Brother: No. It wasn't mandatory.

    Angel: Ok, you're good.


  • OverlappingGeneralizations

    A paragraph disappeared from my post above, so I'll repost:

    "One brother played the role of an angel. He was standing guard at the entrance of paradise."

    Wait, I thought the paradise was "global"! Now there's an "entrance"? So there must be a non-paradise area where the judging takes place. Oh, and I thought it was Jehovah judging from his book, not Angelic nightclub bouncers.

    I know it was just metaphorical. But still. They just had to work in a "Saint Peter standing at the pearly gates" joke.

    Plus, they left out that heartwarming bit where he is deemed unworthy, and tossed lovingly into the lake of fire.

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