Young, free, single and FRAZZLED!

by Sunchild 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sunchild
    I have a friend from Ann Arbor. What is your motive going there?

    *snicker* I'm a U of M alumna, not a foreign spy. I'm moving there because I love the area, and can't imagine being happier anywhere else.

    As for the rest.... Thanks for your concern, but do you have the SLIGHTEST idea who I am?


    (To avoid any further confusion, I was quoting Fredhall, and we both used to post on H2O -- unless, of course, this is a different Fredhall who just bears an uncanny resemblence to the original.)

    "Most men complacently accept 'knowledge' as 'truth'. They are sheep, ruled by fear."
    -- Sydney Losstarot, "Vagrant Story."

  • COMF
    Thanks for your concern, but do you have the SLIGHTEST idea who I am?

    Your narcissism pushed aside for the moment, could you give a solid reason why anyone would a) know b) care who you are?


  • Sunchild
    Your narcissism pushed aside for the moment, could you give a solid reason why anyone would a) know b) care who you are?

    COMF, I think you misread me. I wasn't implying that he should; I was only asking if he did. After all, we used to post on the same message board, so it doesn't seem too much to assume that Freddy might've read some of my past posts, and I haven't changed my screen name since then. And whether he has or hasn't (it really doesn't matter), I just thought it was kind of humorous that Fredhall would be so concerned preserving about the morality/innocence of an ex-JW lesbian Witch. Here's the rest of what he said:

    And if you think is hunky dory over there, then you are wrong. There are alot of students over there do not know good moral standards. Oh, I don't have to tell you. You will know when you get there. Plus, you better keep your Bible and Bible publications. Why? You going to need as reminders because the students are not going to tell you nothing about the facts of life.

    If I were still an active Witness in good standing, my present self would probably scare me half to death.

    If I've offended you or anyone else somehow, I'm genuinely sorry. That wasn't my intention.


    "Most men complacently accept 'knowledge' as 'truth'. They are sheep, ruled by fear."
    -- Sydney Losstarot, "Vagrant Story."

  • Sunchild

    I know that mass replies probably aren't the best form, but... thank you, everyone, for your good wishes. It's really cool to have so many friends I haven't even met, all bound by a common (if unfortunate) experience.

    Lindy, I think I will try to sell the books. You're right: it can't hurt.

    Larc, Ann Arbor IS a beautiful town, and that general area is one of the rare places where I'm pretty sure I'd be considered perfectly normal. I'm even thinking of getting a nose ring.

    Expatbrit, I hope you're right about being shown the facts of life. And my new roommate has already promised to take me to the nearest lesbian bar.

    TR, very cute, yet strangely appropriate.

    COMF, thanks for the welcome. I'm 25; it's about darn time! I think I'll be okay. Truth be told, I know I will.

    Fredhall, I left you a personal note.

    And if I've forgotten anyone, I'm really, really sorry. It's nothing personal, and it certainly wasn't intentional. Thank you very much.

    If any of you are ever in Ann Arbor or Ypsi, I hope you'll post it or drop me an e-mail. I'd love to see some of my friends in person!


    "Most men complacently accept 'knowledge' as 'truth'. They are sheep, ruled by fear."
    -- Sydney Losstarot, "Vagrant Story."

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