Latest Blood Documents from Jan. 2003 TMS

by Jourles 23 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • Elsewhere
    Has anyone heard anything about this portion of the meeting being videotaped? I spoke to my brother recently and he assures me that this was done in his congregation as proof of the process of signing being voluntary of something to that effect.

    Typical JW paranoia

  • MacHislopp

    Hello Jourles,

    thanks for the post and the "....valuable informations.."!

    They'll in the file.

    Ozziepost: "Maybe this is to ensure that the parents understand the rules!"

    Great usual!

    Greetings, J.C.MacHislopp


    Hi folks. My first time posting on this forum. I've been impressed with what I've read thus far. Here is a link, that in my opinion, is very good regarding practical matters related to blood: There is a plethora of information there that may intrigue those of you who have limited information about Blood, its components, autologous blood transfusions, and many other questions. I have found it so useful, that it actually inspired me to go to my family physician and get my blood, typed. Good thing too. My blood type, being rh-negative, was an important finding. There was a posting regarding the Hepatitis concerns. Given all of the recent on-going research into blood based contaminates, hematogology is improving on a daily basis. Everything is being done to decrease the possible risks involved in receiving blood based products. If we didn't have hematology, I dear say, mankind at large, would be at a horrible loss. Find out your blood type. Mark it down. Keep it with you. Check the link I posted above: it's wonderful, informative, and has many answers to the questions most of us ex-JWs could ever want.

  • lulu

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