Can the US police the whole world?

by JH 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • bigboi

    I don't think there is any country in the world with interests as far flung as the US. It makes since that it takes a pro-active stance on the world scene. It has nothing to do with principles of freedom and justice, just money.

  • Monster

    I don't know if they can police the whole world, but it looks like they are going to give it a try. I am being called back to duty. Anyone else? They are willing to give me a choice between being a parttime soldier or a full time soldier. I'm not about to be a parttime soldier. Parttime soldiers are national guards. I don't know where all this fighting is going to get us but i hope something positive comes from it, all i can do is trust my governement is doing the right thing.

    Peace everyone.

  • back2dafront

    monster, i'm sorry but I don't know why you would put any trust in this government. ???

    go for part-time.

    good luck,


  • heathen

    NO I don't think the US can police the entire world . I think it is a complete waste of time and resources to even try. According to the US constitution the US military was only to be used to protect the republic of the united states of america should it be attacked with the threat of over throwing it.In fact the constitution specifically states that the military not be used to defend other countries.That is why it took awhile for the US to get involved in the world wars because they needed the constitutional reason to get involved such as the german attempts to foil the US attempts to trade with foriegn allies by destroying cargo and passenger ships during WW1 . WW2 was the japanese unprovoked attack on pearl harbor.

  • Pleasuredome
    Why does the US always have to take care of troubled spots all over the world by itself?

    well certain people make a lot of money by getting involved in trouble areas and wars. it also helps the US/British/Israeli elite to manipulate different countries for their own ends.

  • Emiliano

    The US is a capitalist country whose main agenda is to make money for the biggest and wealthies corporations in the US. They do this by intervening and contrubuting to the dismantleing of 3rd world countries. By removing rulers who will not cooperate with the US agenda and substituting ones who will help siphon the riches of those countries to benefit the corporations. It is not to the best intrest of the US that theses governments become independent and democratic. The US is against democracy. They like to have these countries ruled by some puppet thug who will follow US agenda for that country. If these thugs vary from the layed out US agenda they are removed from power by means of guerrila ware fare and mercenaries.

    The US uses its military power to do whaterver they want. They are above the Law.

    The US is the only country convicted by the World Court of "unlawful use of force" and illegal economic warfare. (1986 Nicaragua)

    They were ordered to stop by the UN . The US just shrugged it off and the week after Congress increased aid to the contras by another $100,000,000.00.

    We never hear any of this because we ( US citizens ) are not of the world. The 3rd world that is.

    We are kept so busy with TV sit coms, commercials and news reports that only report news that dont allow us to see what is really happening outside. That is why we are so oblivious as to why other countries resent us.

    The rest of the world sees us as the Biggest terroist of all. A big spoiled bully.

  • Farkel

    : Can the US police the whole world?

    No need. Most of the world behaves itself.


    : The US is a capitalist country whose main agenda is to make money for the biggest and wealthies corporations in the US. They do this by intervening and contrubuting to the dismantleing of 3rd world countries.

    Utter rubbish. Name one 3rd world country we "dismantled." In order to do so, you'd better darn well know the meaning of the world "dismantle."


    Edited by - Farkel on 11 January 2003 17:45:21

  • gumby

    Why does the US always have to take care of troubled spots all over the world by itself?

    I don't discuss religion or politics

  • back2dafront


    Dismantle: 1 : to take to pieces; also : to destroy the integrity or functioning of

    Without getting too hung up on the definition of this word, I think he has a point. Afghanistan was bombed to hell, and so was Iraq in the Gulf War, breaking down the structure of both countries. I would not say America makes money for it's corporations by dismantling 3rd world countries per se, but it definitely exploits other countries, wouldn't you agree?

    Exploit: 2 : to make use of meanly or unjustly for one's own advantage <exploiting migrant farm workers>

  • plmkrzy

    I was watching War Games on 20/20 last night. Or was it Night Line?

    Anyway They were acting out each others moves based on "What Ifs" and they concluded unanimously the will be a war and there will be casualties any where from 500,000 to several million. Almost wiping out North Korea on one hand but they all forgot to mention what would happen to Iraq and only agreed that American casualties would be in the thousands. Not hundreds of thousands as estimated elsewhere. If Korea makes a move to move any nuclear devices they supposedly have, then the US will strike the nuclear site causing obviously an apocalyptic massive blood bath or evaporation of hundreds of thousands of people.

    It was pretty creepy listening to these men sit there and discuss us (all of us in each country) as though we are nothing but predestined casualties, and . sympathetic them, they will just have to watch.

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