Raised the same question elsewhere. He's been involved with some translation from English to Micronesian tongues, OK. But about Hebrew or Greek to English? His arguments on stand reminded me of Humpty Dumpty.
"The words mean whatever I say they mean."
Years ago, cartoonist Walt Kelly, creator of Pogo ( a talking Possum living in a Florida swamp) and a disciple of Tenniel, caricatured J. Edgar Hoover as a bulldog with the FBI chief's face. In a small box he kept trained spider that infiltrated into books serving as asterisks. ( Did I see something about asterisks in the RC transcripts?).
J. Edgar in the cartoon said pretty much the same as Jackson. "He who controls the asterisks controls the meaning of the word."
And you could look at WatchTower as one of the world's biggest manufacturers of asterisks.
One of Pogo's friends observed, "Hey, I thought spiders had 6-legs!"
"Yes," reflected J. Edgar, "that was two too many...."