Most of us here have been JW's. Most of us believed it was the truth. Inherent in that is the belief that we would be persecuted and this would be one of the signs that we were the true religion.
Thus ask yourself: "As a JW, would I have been willing to die for my beliefs if confronted with a life and death situation such as the blood issue or neutrality?" You can say what you like now but almost without exception the answer to that question is "YES". I answer the same way myself (
What I think about now and I wonder if others have similar reflections is: how do you feel about the fact that you would have been willing to die for a belief system, which you now consider false? If you believe in something else or a variation of the original belief - then is your belief strong or wavering? Would you be willing to die for your current religous/spiritual beliefs? If so, how do you honestly reconcile the fact that perhaps your new beliefs might be false too (you have to admit you can be wrong - you believed falsehood before - none of us is infallible especially with something as innocuous as beliefs).
Edited by - donkey on 11 January 2003 12:47:13