How do you react when a person makes fun of your posts on this site? Maybe it never happened to you, but for those that this happened, how do you react when a person seems to be doing on purpose to put you down for what you said or just say the opposite of what you're saying? Do you forgive, or do you hate a few people on this site?
Friction between us
by JH 24 Replies latest jw friends
I pick a really good pizza topping.
Since everyone loves me here I havent had the problem as of yet.
In all seriousness.. if this person has his/her email unlocked send them an email and ask them whats up. Hopefully you will be able to come to an understanding. Maybee make a friend out of it.
Do you forgive, or do you hate a few people on this site?
I prefer to ignore, since it is "thier" problem not mine.
And then order a
perreroniepizza from papa johns.thats pePPeroni
since there is no such thung as a perrionie I have to edit once again my post.
Edited by - plmkrzy on 11 January 2003 17:34:28
Yeah, but if it's SwordOfJah -- fahgeddaboudit!
(You are a duck, the jibes are water.)
I tend to "mark" them.
So far everyone has been really nice, I guess it would depend on what they said and how they said it
Well....first I cry
then, I put a voodoo curse on them.....
Mrs. Shakita
On every forum there is a smart ass, you would like to kick the crap out of them. I dont believe in silence anymore. If that ever happens its best just to open a huge ass can of whoop ass!
Edited by - Stefanie on 11 January 2003 19:18:4
Most of the ones who used to cause trouble for me have been deleted
The rest, I ignore. They're not worth my time or energies anymore.