Reporter, yes, I do remember the video.
Some other random thoughts while reviewing this thread.
Troucul states:
Cops are authorized to use deadly force when necessary. They are not simply authorized to wound someone or something, they are authorized to KILL if they feel threatened
This is the same brilliance he/she displayed in this thread, , he advises Kelpie on how to deal with Kelpie's son who was caught stealing.
Try beatings. And if that doesn't work, try some more beatings. And if he still has problems with stealing, try beating him.
SOMEbody need pacisfism lessons.
Anyhow, for the rest of you dumb asses, (if this statement makes you angry, hint: you are probably a dumb-ass) here's some thoughts to ponder.
1. POLICE ARE OBLIGED TO TAKE RISKS of personal safety. They are NOT permitted to act in offense where they "feel threatened."
2. What happens when police "feel threatened" and respond with deadly force? Well if the case of the dog being killed doesn't piss you off, maybe the case of the New York City immigrant who was gunned down in front of his apartment while reaching for his wallet. GRRRR!! Name Amadou Diallo ring a bell?
3. It's not necessarily that a dog died. It's the callous manner which an Officer showed blatant disregard for life. Thank Dog it wasn't a human being. Who knows, maybe next time it will be.
I know what I'm talking about. I have a retired Police Officer in my family. Some of you know what I mean.
Violence SUCKS Class