Geoffrey Jackson on "corporal punishment"

by opusdei1972 21 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • opusdei1972

    Here is another Jackson's misleading answer, from the transcript of August 14 :

    25 Q. Do you accept corporal punishment?
    26 A. No.
    28 Q. You don't?
    29 A. Not ‐ not personally, no, and not as an organisation ‐
    30 we don't encourage it.
    32 Q. But do you prohibit it?
    33 A. Our literature has pointed out that the true way to
    34 discipline children is by educating them, not giving
    35 corporal punishment. Your Honour, I can only tell you the
    36 spirit behind our writings.

    However, this is what I found in the Watchtower's article "Reliable Advice for Raising Children" (w06 11/1 pp. 4-7):

    With regard to discipline, the Bible states: “The rod and reproof are what give wisdom.” (Proverbs 29:15) However, not all children need physical punishment. Proverbs 17:10 tells us: “A rebuke works deeper in one having understanding than striking a stupid one a hundred times.”

    Accordingly, Geoffrey Jackson, as a member of the governing body, was not sincere in his answer, because Watchtower's publications do permit physical punishment.

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  • sparrowdown

    Jackson was talking out of his ass for most if not all of that interview.

    Speaking anecdotally (if that counts) every hall I have ever attended and also working in mothers and babies at assemblies I have witnessed the spanking of children, regularly.

    Every born-in I have ever known has admitted to also being spanked as a child.

    It happens. We all know it happens. The GB knows it happens.

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  • Oubliette

    You could tell whenever Jackson got nervous and/or starting lying.

    Hi "um" count and blink rate both increased dramatically.

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  • SuziDrums

    Know what "residual energy" is?

    In this case, it's the sounds of the screams of jw kids being dragged down the aisles and out to the back and beaten.

    Old Geoffrey should be "not-beaten" to the extent of those kids.

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  • SuziDrums
    He was pretty much lying whenever his lips were moving.
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  • Splash

    g72 9/22 p. 29 Watching the World - "Religious 'Credibility Gap'"

    Politicians have reputations for distorting truth. The 'Pentagon papers' affair in 1971 highlighted their 'credibility gap.' Journalists and advertisers are also guilty of deception. And the clergy? Veteran United Press International writer Louis Cassels says: "Time and again, as a reporter covering religious news, I have found church spokesmen resorting to deliberate obfuscations [confusions] and torturing the truth in an effort to keep the public in the dark about what actually happened in a particular situation."


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  • Heaven

    I feel that this line of questioning from the ARC was very important as it shows the Watchtower is not always willing to follow, literally, the scriptures in the Bible.

    Which negates a lot of what they say about 'oh we have to follow the Bible' and their bull shite answer of 'We need you to make reporting of child sex abuse mandatory' because of this scripture here (quotes Proverbs 25:8-10) that says don't take your neighbour to court because if you lose you'll be shamed. I feel this is such a lame ass defense, personally.

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  • punkofnice
    The WBT$ is a very abusive organisation. Those in power often enjoy enforcing their idiotic views onto others. The orgainisation enjoys causing pain and abuse. It was obvious that his holiness watchtower rock star pope wacko Jacko was knowingly telling lies and twisting the truth to protect the other popes........and ultimately to protect their wallets.
  • blondie

    Good quote!

    However, this is what I found in the Watchtower's article "Reliable Advice for Raising Children" (w06 11/1 pp. 4-7):

    With regard to discipline, the Bible states: “The rod and reproof are what give wisdom.” (Proverbs 29:15) However, not all children need physical punishment. Proverbs 17:10 tells us: “A rebuke works deeper in one having understanding than striking a stupid one a hundred times.”

    Accordingly, Geoffrey Jackson, as a member of the governing body, was not sincere in his answer, because Watchtower's publications do permit physical punishment.

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  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower
    I remember a Watchtower study back a few decades ago on prayer and they used the example of a little girl who was misbehaving at the meeting and father decided it was time for a visit to the back room and as she was being dragged to the disciplining area she cried out loudly "Help me Jehovah". The example was used as a sorta cute example of a toddler calling instinctively on Jehovah for help.
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