G'day all,
How's the weekend going for you? Mrs Ozzie and I have enjoyed entertaining visitors today. Mrs Ozzie prepared the lunch and I made the drinks! Our visitors were Baptist folk, so there was no shiraz today, out of respect for their sensibilities! We enjoyed our conversation about Dateline/Panorama/Sunday and they are taking a tape of the Sunday program to various church groups in the south of Sydney. Watch out Borg, the householders are getting wised up!
So, what shall we talk about this weekend in our poll? How about we think of the Last Days and the Big A?
So, this weekend's poll question is:
When you were, or still are, a Dub, how near was Armageddon to you?
1. It's sure to happen in the next twelve months.
2. We'll be in the paradise within five years.
3. It all happened invisibly in 1975.
4. Arm - a - geddon - outa - here!
5. Maybe in 2014.
6. When they've finished moving to Patterson.
7. Never.
8. Didn't really believe it, but it's a nice wish.
9. Could come anytime, but I'm not 'hanging my hat' on a date.
10. Other (please detail)
We'll be looking forward to your thoughts. Did you, or didn't you really believe it?
Enjoy your reminiscing.
Cheers, Ozzie
P.S. Mrs Ozzie says to say Hi!
Edited by - ozziepost on 12 January 2003 4:17:23