who hated the memorial?

by Tyler_Durden 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • Tyler_Durden


    Then he says...Is there anyone in the audience who belongs to the "Little Flock"? If no one raises their hand.......it's a done deal! We all go home, twist up a fatty , have a beer and the night is still young.

    hahahaha! me thinks you've hit upon some 'new light'


  • blondie

    There are several things I don't like about the Memorial that are not directly related to the reason for the event.

    One, the attendants finally do more than just tell people where to sit. They are instructed to notice all new ones and greet them with a big smile and handshake, verbally welcoming them to the Kingdom Hall.

    The elders actual mingle with the hoi polloi talking to new ones, inactive ones, unbelieving mates with big smiles and handshakes rather than just running around talking to each other about elder things and ignoring new ones that are being ignored by the attendants.

    The next meeting after the Memorial, everything goes back to the same old crap.

    The talk is a manuscript so it is guaranteed to be boring. I have heard it so often, I could give it without a script. They spend more time on why you don't partake than why people should partake.

    If your congregation shares the hall, then there is the annual fight as to who gets to decorate the stage and what a crappy job the other congregation did last year. Elderettes rule!

    There is the arguing as to who gets the early one and who gets the late one; who has to rent and who gets the KH this year. Then there is the memorial polka as to whether to go to your assigned one or the convenient one.

    Then there is the Memorial Count Competition. "How many were at YOUR memorial? Only that many? Too bad, we had this many more (implying their congregation is more spiritual or blessed by holy spirit).

    Yes, 250 at the Memorial with 80 publishers, but the following Sunday only 92 show up. Where did they go?


  • JH

    And they said that it was the most important meeting of the year. Until the next time when they once again say this is a very important meeting, and this one you can't miss.....

    If you listen to them, all the meetings are the most important of the year.

    Will they ever say that a meeting is not important.

  • wildfire

    WELL LETS SEE DID I HATE IT UMMMM YA BECAUSE my ex was one of the ANNOINTED SMUCKS and it was just nerve---racking when they passed the emblems and he partook,,,, and all the sneers and stares ............ and i remember for 3 months before the memorial he would not defile himself with demon alcohol (hahahh) of course after the memorial it was business as usual........H e was a wierd guy.... some how he is not annointed anymore they df his ass...... and he split never to be heard from again ( THERE IS A GOD ,,,,, HE ANSWERED MY PRAYERS FOR HIS DEPARTURE)

  • TR

    The memorial was the one meeting that I didn't have to worry about. No last minute talks, no mic handling, no comments. Go to the meeting, then get the hell out of there.


  • imanaliento

    our family hated it when it was on a Monday just after a Sunday meeting and before a Tuesday meeting. then I just had to find the right dress for the occasion and get there early to find a place to park.

    or when two cong. shared the same hall and we got stuck with the later meeting.

  • Beans

    I think it was a bonus, you had one less hour of a meeting!



  • drahcir yarrum
    drahcir yarrum

    I always thought it would be funny if thousands of teenagers forced to attend Memorial decided to partake. That would really screw things up for the GB.

  • Cygnus

    All this talk makes me want to go to this year's Memorial in a bad way.

  • lv4fer

    I never hated it but I always had a feeling of inner turmoil.
    I felt like it was wrong not to partake; I understood the reasons they said and 
    I didn't feel like I was annointed or special, but I came from an Episcopalian background a
    nd had always partaken holy communion; So last year when I went after I came home my husband
     and kids partook at home.
    I bought unleaven bread and wine we said prayer and partook as a family
    That gave me great satisfaction after 16 years in the borg.
    The only reason we went was to save face we had not completely left yet and 
    were attempting a slow fade. This year we will not be attending at all.

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