Three Elders with Same Victim - Is Poland Next?
by berrygerry 14 Replies latest watchtower scandals
😐 Seriously.... This has got to be stopped.
And the dominos begin to fall. -
These top lawyers/judges/police services they are not silly. They talk off the record with each other & share data figures when it comes to crimes of this severity.
When an institution is rotten from the top it's rotten all the way down.
Mad Irishman
Just a little emotionless comment here:
There is child molestation in every land with JW's. It's frequency is very low compared to every country they are in compared to the national average and it is by far not even close to be anything out of the ordinary. If anything their rates of child molestation are shockingly low. Do you know what the molestation rates are by country for society in general? I think some of you should look this up and maybe you'll stop being surprised so much on these posts.
@Mad Irishman
I don't think that is true - 1006 reported cases in Australia belies that claim if you look at the ratios - but of course JW's hold themselves up to be the one true religion and like to project a clean and pure image (bit like a whitewashed grave) before everyone; which is why even when their procedures are pointedly shown to be woefully lacking (like the Royal Commission did) all they care about is protecting their image.
Mad Irishman
It's frequency is very low compared to every country they are in compared to the national average and it is by far not even close to be anything out of the ordinary. If anything their rates of child molestation are shockingly low.MAD IRISHMAN, this is not about frequency. It's not about ordinary. It's not about statistics or rates or quantities or numbers of any kind.
Everyone knows child abuse/sexual molestation happens. It's disgusting... but we all know it happens. While we agree that even one event is too many, I don't get the sense that anyone is hung up on numbers. We're hung up on the cover-up... the lack of caring within the organization, the lip service paid to the problem while the broom is busily sweeping the entire problem under the rug for the sake of institutional reputation.
Big difference!
Its about the Society and their Elders, who when informed that a child has been abused do not take personal responsibility to bring this to the attention of the authorities immediately! Instead they send it up the line to the Society for a freaking legal decision! A cold blooded decision that yes it is mandatory to inform the authorities in your State or no its not necessary in your State your protected by the confessional.
"Here's what it boils down to: the Elders have a fundamental decision to make; remain silent and protect a perpetrator, or report the abuse and protect a vulnerable child. h
Based on the Australian information the Society is comfortable in not protecting a vulnerable child.
@ Mad Irishman...
Seems to me that an organization with such egregiously poor policies with regards to the problem ("medieval", I believe they were called) would, in turn, have higher rates, per capita, than other institutions.
Poland has very strict anti-pedophilia laws. If the AG gets into the case, it will be all over Polish press and someone will end up in jail. Lets hope it does not end with some cover-up.