Ah maght be unejuamakaitud

by Marcos 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • Marcos

    I just read a reply on another thread (doesnt really matter which one) in which a person made reference to 2 elders and said that they were not too bright, perhaps inbreeding. Presumably this was said because the guys acted in a stupid manner in their counseling and were from the American South.

    My questions:

    1) Are southerners really stupid and inbred?

    2) Are northerners noble, intelligent and less prone to the inbreeding that apparently plagues people below the Mason-Dixon line?

    3) Further south, are we who live south of the border from Brownsville to San Diego stupid, lazy and untrustworthy?

    Im not without a sense of humor. Moreover, it is not my intention to say anything to offend any other poster. I simply wonder how much prejudice affects our generalizations about other people.

    Ill try to make a couple of personal comments (about myself) further on in this thread.

    Thanks and please add your comments. Im not going to suddenly explode in moral outrage against the injustice of all of the intolerant attitudes I see.


  • blondie

    Marcos, my husband and I were discussing this recently, that many people in the north make an assumption of nonintelligence or less intelligence when someone has a southern accent.

    Role models for us in the north

    Gomer Pyle

    Andy Griffith

    The Beverly Hillbillies


    Dukes of Hazard

    These are some of the media exposures we have that are of course not representative but influential.

    Even news reporters/anchors are trained to lose their accent because of this inaccurate cultural bias.

    This is not an in-depth survey. I lived for a time in the South and acquired what seemed to be a mild southern accent to my relatives in the North. To the people where I lived, I still sounded like a damn Yankee. I was told that I sounded unintelligent and to lose the accent by my family. But to this day I can drawl with the best of them and switch back to my clipped northern speech.


  • gumby

    a person made reference to 2 elders and said that they were not too bright, perhaps inbreeding

    This is true! These two guys also played in Deliverance befoe becoming Elders. They were the ones who gave Ned Beatty a hard time!

    Actually there are dummy Elders everywhere! I remember as a teenager an Elder wanted to DF me because my hair was too long! Everyone had Marine cuts in the hall but me. I had about a half inch in the back and he wanted to df me! Luckily the other elders were not that stupid.......but the point is made.

    There have been many occasions in which CO's have been FLOORED by the action of some elders who don't know their ass from a hole-in-the ground! They are everywhere!


  • Robdar


    It is just jealousy on the part of yankees. We have the beautiful weather and lovely coast line. We also have a sense of grace and charm. Yankees can't compete with that so they have to put us down. They aren't so great themselves. Look at what they have done to Florida. Damn Yankees.

    Love Robyn

  • mike047

    Hi Robyn; This is in jest....You know why they call them "damn yankees" don't ya?

    They come to visit and never go home.

    Here we have "halfbacks", those are the ones that go to Florida, can't make it there and stop halfway back home here in North Carolina.

    Relax folks, My mother is from Mississippi and my father from Boston. I'm half&half.


  • Granny Linda
    Granny Linda

    As Forrest Gump's mama might say, "Stupid is as stupid does", or some such thing.

    My two year experience in Alabama was learning how civil rights and civil war where daily topics among most. If not for, "come to my church and be happy." Yuck. No thank you.

    I'll stay west, and ya'll can stay happy and content where you are, too. Isn't it great having choices.

    Well what ya gonna say about most JW's, period, eh. This thing about more diversity is a bullcrap because we have more then enough "diversity" within our own boundaries...as you pointed out.

    granny, who hates humidity and the bugs that accompany such.


  • mike047

    Miz Linda; Those weren't bugs, those were turkeys.

    mike[of the grew up in southern ala. class]

  • Xena

    I have found that "stupid" tends to know no bounderies...not gender, ethnic, cultural..it crosses state, town, country and ocean. People who generalize and judge people based on these things and not on the individual person themselves are the "stupid" ones.

    That said...THANK GOD I AM A TEXAN

    edited cause I is to stupid to spell rite...

    Edited by - Xena on 12 January 2003 12:33:55

  • WildTurkey

    American by birth, southerner by the grace of God!!!!

    You know we do have indoor plumbing down in the south. I tell you what pisses me off, every time a flood comes through here, the media finds the only crack addict around at the time, by passing all the lawyers and doctors, and interview him.

  • SheilaM

    Raised by a Southern Mom and married to a Yankee I can see both sides I do have to say Robadar is right regarding the damn Yankees but with Arkansas in the "Southern" realm it does throw the stats way off!!!!LOL My Granny upon seeing my hubby said "He's pretty nice for a damn Yankee" Granny is 97

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