NOAH: Good Morning! My name is Noah and I'm calling...
HOUSEHOLDER: ( interrupting) Look,make it quick,will you pal,I'm busy eating and drinking.
NOAH: Well,I'll be brief then. I'm calling on you and your neighbors to discuss world conditions. What do you feel is the most urgent problem we face today?
HOUSEHOLDER: Well,first of all, it never rains.
NOAH: Well, yes, that's because....
HOUSEHOLDER:....and second of all,we have a public eyesore in the neighborhood.
NOAH: Oh,really,what is that?
HOUSEHOLDER: Some religious nut on the other side of the hill is building this great big boat of some kind.True,everybody likes to tinker on weekends but this guy is going overboard.
NOAH: Strange you should mention "overboard".
NOAH: Oh,nothing.
HOUSEHOLDER: Look ,Mr. Noah,I admire your zeal and devotion,but I've had discussions with members of your family before,and I'm not interested.Besides,I'm busy getting ready for my daughter's wedding.You should see the guy she's marrying,wow! He must be 9 feet tall,if he's an inch. His name is Nephelim....Irving Nephelim.You should see the size shirt he wears. I'd be swimming in it.
NOAH: Funny should you mention swimming.
NOAH: Oh nothing.
HOUSEHOLDER:And you should see the honeymoon they're taking.40 fun-filled days and 40 exciting nights on scenic Mount Ararat.It should be nice if the weather stays as it is.
NOAH: I wouldn't count on it.
NOAH: Oh nothing. (Noah leaves)
HOUSEHOLDER: ( TO WIFE) What a strange guy that was at the door.
WIFE: Who was that, dear?
HUSBAND: I don't know,some preacher of righteousness,and he sure smelled like animals.
WIFE: Well, maybe he owns a pet shop.
HUSBAND: Could be.Are you all ready to go to the wedding?
WIFE: Yes I'm ready,say ,I haven't seen you with that hat before.
HUSBAND: I know,but it sure looks like rain.(end) Blueblades