Hello everyone. I need some advice. This will help...:
http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.aspx?id=44113&site=3 (My Story)
Last night...someone dear to my heart passed away. She was an elderly sister in the hall that my mother took care of. In time, she lived in our home and became my "grandmother". She had pictures of my sister and me in front of pictures of her own children. She was really a wonderful woman. She would tell me stories of when she was growing up..can't really go into more right now ....
Her mind started slipping away from her about 8-9 months ago and we had to put her in a home for 24 hour care. We visited and still cared for her as much as we could. She went senile in a short time and at a point...totally forgot who I was. So, in a sense, I have had alot of time to deal with this but it is still very devastating.
Aside from grief, I am scared crazy. My mother and the elders of the congragation have planned a memorial for her. It is going to be on Friday (or saturday?). It is going to be at the Kingdom Hall. I haven't been there in about 10+ months. I walked away. The same people who were mentioned in "my story" posting will be there. So will all the members of the congregation, who (aside from rumors) have no clue what happened to me.
Has anyone out there been through this? I told myself I would never go back but now...I am scared they will ask me questions....worse - pull my husband aside and interrogate him. I am going but does anyone have any advice on how to deal with this? I am desperate. I don't know how I will handle facing them all... Thanks....
Edited by - Dolphin57 on 12 January 2003 21:43:26