nwt bible

by edp81 14 Replies latest jw experiences

  • edp81

    Can anyone tell me how to get a copy of the New World Translation of the Bible?

    I would also like to get a copy of "Reasoning with the Scriptures".


  • StinkyPantz

    Go to your nearest KingDumb Hall.

  • edp81


    I am not a JW.

    I was kinda looking for a way to obtain these books without having to enter a Hall.

  • StinkyPantz

    Well, you don't have to be a JW to enter a Hall, just like you don't have to be a Jew to enter a synagogue.

    Have you tried writing to the WTBTS? But I heard that if you now want literature you must get it from a Hall.

    Or you could try EBay.

  • yucca

    i have their bible and other books in thrift shops but reasoning with the scriptures i have never seen. u might have to go to kingdum hall. if u know someone thats a witness u might get one from them. it would have to me a nice person. hope this helps yucca

  • SwordOfJah

    Hi, edp81, feel free to email me and I will get you the publications you need through the mail. The email addres is [email protected]

  • TR


    Try Freeminds.org. If you get the books from 'RoidofJah, he will expect you to become a 'hovah, and probably hound you with emails and letters.

    It's nice to have 'hovah litter-ature because you get the info straight from the horses ass.


  • Funchback


    No, don't request it through SwordOfJah! He just want to pad his theocratic stats (he'll count you as a Return Visit and he'll add an hour to his field service time and he'll count the publications as placements).

    I can get them for you at my Hall. Plus, I won't "use" you for stats. [email protected]

  • SwordOfJah

    TR & Funchback, I just want to say that it's not fair that you judge me like that. All I did is offer a favor.

  • Aztec

    I have an extra copy that you can have if you like. It's currently between "Necromicon" and "the Complete Kama Sutra" on my book shelf and my red sequined devil horns from Halloween are resting comfortably on top of it as well so it may be a bit tainted. However if you want it it's your's. My email is in my profile.


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