That damn Yahoo crap just made me erase all I had written. Now I am too tired to write it all down. I read the book XW talked about. Kelly was allergic to red dyes, even diapers with a little pink lining. SHe did outgrown some of her bad behavior and is doing good.
Now my youngest boy, 8 , Chance is another story. Doctors tell me , he being a premmie, lack of oxygen on more occassions than I can remember, that were emergencies, life threating, are to blame for his ADHD, and Obsessive compulsive disorder.
He got kicked out of day care for saying he was going to burn the place down.
He beat the hell out of a 8 yr old when he was 4 for running over his sister on a bike.
He has went after family members with knieves;burnt a chair; will not back down from anything . Has way too many obsessions. One time he went thru a phase of only wearing red shirts. Then the shirt had to have no pockets. Then he had to have a certain kind of jeans. His socks had to fit perfectly tight on his feet.
Some things he has done is kid stuff, other things are more serious. Like being mean to his cat when he gets really mad, he hasnt done it often because he really loves this cat . He talks of killing himself , if I die, or his pappaw dies. He has a terrible fear of death and has for years. I wonder if he has almost seen it even if he can't remember. He was at death's door many times in those first 3 yrs. I don't know what he might remember or have experienced.
One time when he was 2 , he had just had some corrective surgery and I was taking him up the elevator for a check up. He saw two white coats.....doctors come in the elevator and proceeded to slap the shit out of me..... and started fighting to run off. He has been to the hospital or doctors office and walked the heck right out of the office and told the doctor he was a son of a bitch.
I could go on..........but I am sure most of you get the picture. He is actually doing better in some ways other ways,,,,,,,no.
Wild says we are going to keep our Sunday's open when he turns 18,,,,,,,, so we can go visit him in bootcamp or prision. J/K we hope to work with him and help him fit in with the rest of this crazy world.