This is a part of the sociological puzzle that's worth
looking at. What motivates these guys to hang on?
Most C.O.'s I've encountered in the past ten years are
pompous jerks I wouldn't trust with my wallet, wife
or spiritual life. Their wives often develop strange
chronic illnesses that can't be cured - a sign that
their subconscious is telling them to quit, IMHO.
I have a suspicion too, that the Society isn't getting
the calibre of brothers they want to volunteer for this job.
Now, I grant you that ego can be a powerful motivator,
but I can't square that with the emotional drain of
"being on stage" all the time or dealing with the
endless parade of child-like publishers (and elders)
who screw up and have to be "taken to the woodshed".
The scary part is --- it gets you wondering if the
system , by its nature, selects those very men who
shouldn't have anything to do with guiding ANYONE'S
spirituality - smooth, superficial egotists who beat the