Blondie, you've hit on the dirtiest secret of all dubdom: ``EVERYBODY HATES FIELD SERVICE!"
What Happened to Magazine Day?
by Blueblades 12 Replies latest jw friends
Even though magazine day may still be designated, in effect it has gone the way of the dodo. As will the wts.
Sometime ago the C.O. had us go out into service on sat. am with just the MAGS.nothing else but a whole stack of mags.and the pocket Bible in our pocket.
he asks ,"Who thinks thay can place one mag.this morning? Hands go up,how about two,hands go up,how about four,hands go up,how about ten,hands go up.There was about 40 of us on his visit that sat.a.m.He then says,"about 40 x 10 = 400 mags.this morning,lets check back here @100pm to tally up what we did ok.
Clever,because he now got us to return at 1pm to continue with MAGAZINE DAY! I don't know how many did acually show up for 1pm,I didn't.and I don't know what the tally was for that morning only that later in his talk he said the cong. had a good missus and I just handed out the anyone walking by till we ran out.We both had 5 sets,so we placed 20 mags in about ten minutes and went for coffee,then home. Blueblades