Brummie- Last I checked they still expect severe persecution . They were talking at a book study I went to about preparing to go under ground and how the congregation should not willingly offer information as to who was a dub and where they planned meetings . It sounds so orwellian or something it's unbelievable .
Will they ever say "Peace and Security"?
by JH 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Thanks heathen,
They were talking at a book study I went to about preparing to go under ground and how the congregation should not willingly offer information as to who was a dub and where they planned meetings
we used to talk that same way all through the 80's and into the 90s, they used to mentally prepare us for the great persecution, we even knew how to continue the field service if we were banned from going door to door....
Yep it is wierd orwellian stuff
They were talking at a book study I went to about preparing to go under ground and how the congregation should not willingly offer information as to who was a dub and where they planned meetings
yes they have been doing this for years-since the 60's.and before. We were always warned to be at all meetings b/c that would be the only way we would know where the next meeting would be held.
I have thought the stopping of subs and restricing the availabilty of literature to be part of this , thus keeing info out of opposers hands.
I never thought the "peace and security" would be a one time statement. A lot of confusion exists about this with jws.
A gem from the past--What Pastor Russell Said, p. 529:
1The Prophet Jeremiah says that they shall say, "Peace! Peace! when there is no peace." St. Paul, in speaking of the present time, says, "And when they shall say, Peace and safety, then sudden destruction cometh upon them" ( Jer. 6:14 ; 1 Thess. 5:3 ). Do these Scriptures apply now, or do they refer to Armageddon?PEACE
When Will They Cry "Peace?"QUESTION (1915)
We think that this saying of "Peace! Peace!" has been going on for some years. The Church systems and everybody have been claiming, every since the first Peace Conference at The Hague [1898], that war had come to an end, that we were living in the time of peace, that we were having the time of peace that the Bible tells us about. They thought this was true; but those of us who had a better knowledge of the Bible knew it was not true. A great Time of Trouble must first come. The Lord long ago pointed out this great Time of Trouble, which has already begun and which will culminate in an awful period of anarchy, the Armageddon of the Scriptures. So they have been saying, Peace. Peace! when there is no peace, and no ground for peace. -
Peace and Security? This is just another example that the Watchtower does not understand Scripture.
2 For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. 3 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.
This is a prophecy about a future event, yes, but not the Way the Watchtower thinks. It applies to each and everyone that thinks they have their lives in order and have nothing to worry about not even in death. Paul's is warning them that what they do now matters as it will be too late then to make any changes. He points to the day of Judgment when our Lord will separate the sheep and goats and put the goats on his left to be destroyed. Paul therefore is teaching that not everyone that has ever lived will be resurrected and enter into the kingdom. Many believe that in the reconciliation everyone will be saved but this is not what our Lord taught or what Paul taught. The process of selecting humankind from among the Nations for the kingdom will be selective and destruction will be the outcome for many that do not qualify for such life.
Looking at the news for people or governments to cry out Peace and Security is a waste of time. Pauls comments are not about any one single generation that will exist at some future time during the end of the world. It is a description of how our reconciliation is dependent upon what we do now, and how we live our lives now since destruction will face us then if we are found unworthy.
I tend to agree with Jos Malik's post. Back around 911 Ciro Aucilino gave a talk and mentioned Peace and Security. I wrote an open letter to him at:
It is not the nations calling for Peace and Security. It is any so called group or individual who claims they got it made, that they have their position secure and in God's favor.
The scriptures say Let him who think he stands, take heed, lest he fall.
It says that Pride goes before a fall.
Gotta run, Belbab
Just read your open letter to Ciro Aucilino re Peace andSecurity - what a great rebuttal! I sure learn alot from this site! Thanks.
Joseph is correct regarding what the saying of "Peace and Security" really means. The Watchtower Society twists scripture to support their fear tactics. Anytime a government leader talks of peace or security, it has JWs digging deeper in their beliefs as they fear that this time could be it. It has little to do with government leaders standing up and announcing the end of war, as that has been done already in history.
Here is what Matthew Henry had to say regarding 1 Thess 5:3. I regard him as a much better source for Bible commentary than the WTS.
"The righteous God will bring ruin upon his and his people's enemies; and this their destruction, as it will be total and final, so, 1. It will be sudden. It will overtake them, and fall upon them, in the midst of their carnal security and jollity, when they say in their hearts, Peace and safety, when they dream of felicity and please themselves with vain amusements of their fancies or their senses, and think not of it,as travail cometh upon a woman with child, at the set time indeed, but not perhaps just then expected, nor greatly feared. 2. It will be unavoidable destruction too: They shall not escape; they shall in no wise escape. There will be no means possible for them to avoid the terror nor the punishment of that day. There will be no place where the workers of iniquity shall be able to hide themselves, no shelter from the storm, nor shadow from the burning heat that shall consume the wicked."
Yeah, we'd hear it, especially around 1986. Of course, they modified their 'understanding' somewhat to include peace talks that could take place over a span of time, rather than one distinct declaration. Whatever the case it was, and still is, used to keep the jw faithful on alert, and hence, very active in jw concerns.
Great post of Russell's words above. There he was, a hundred plus yrs ago, saying the same thing.
Wouldn't this be something if it turned out to be like the story of the little boy who cried wolf ? I think the main problem with their reasoning here is that Jesus said he would arrive on the day you think not . Well, if you keep thinking todays the day then where does that put ya ?