Minimus got me to thinking in his thread about the unforgivable sin and judging apostates. I hope someone with a clearer memory than mine can confirm or deny what I remember. I have some vague memory that the Society taught that only members of the "Anointed Class" (144,000) could commit the unforgivable sin against the the holy spirit because only they had been called by it personally and, therefore, only they could reject it consciously and willfully. As I recall, those of the "Great Crowd" class could be forgiven any sin since we are of a different (lower) calling and had no direct contact with the holy spirit. This was one of the "benifits" of being a member of the "Great Crowd" because even if we were misled into apostacy (or any sin) we could repent and be forgiven before the big "A" unlike members of the "Anointed" who were forever damned. A "with greater office comes greater accountability" type of classism to make the rank & file peons feel better about their lowly status. Am I right about this or have things changed?
by Liberty 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I remember that too, but don't have a reference.
Another memory: Unforgivable sin is only unforgivable because the sinner doesn't want forgiveness.
I'll do some research.
Craig <---limited out and using Katie's account
Yes I definately remember that teaching, but it always was one of those doctrines, that I never could accept. I don't know if the teaching has changed on that issue now. Sorry not much help there.
Not true as of when I left (2 years ago).
By the time the unforgivable sin could be from anyone. Indeed, it was taught from the platform that if you THINK you performed an unforgivable sin, then you have.
I don't recall what justification they used for that, but at least the feeling in the congs then was quite certain that pretty much ANY working against the organization, including as little as doubting them to yourselves, was an 'unforgivable sin', so we must never even let doubt creep into our mind lest we lose any chance at all of entering paradise.
Course, our hall was always a little more ascetic than others - the scripture reading to the effect of 'you must do this, and this, and this, and this, and then MAYBE you will be allowed through the gate' was ridiculously popular to remind people that no matter HOW good they were, or how PERFECT witnesses they were, god may still smite them in the big A if he feels like it for no particular reason.
I don't know why they felt the need to instill such terror in kids - I mean, they told us point blank that no matter WHAT we did, we weren't going to survive into the new system. Unless, maybe, god felt like sparing us. But, don't count on it - it's not very likely.
The only reference to the unforgivable sin that I could find in Studies in the Scriptures was in At-One-Ment Between God and Man (p. 270-3). An excerpt (bold added):
Wilful, intentional evil will never have forgivenessneither in this age, nor in the coming age. Gods proposition is not to force men into harmony with himself; but after redeeming them he will furnish to all an opportunity of coming to a knowledge of the truth and witnessing the goodness of God through the operation of his holy Spirit: whoever then continues out of harmony with the divine arrangement proves himself a wilful sinner, an intelligent opponent of the holy power of Godfor such the Lord has no further provisions of grace.
Seems like Russell was saying that the unforgivable sin only becomes unforgivable during or at the end of the Millenium?
Edited by - onacruse on 14 January 2003 16:18:6
"Indeed, it was taught from the platform that if you THINK you performed an unforgivable sin, then you have."
That reminds me of the Dilbert episode where Dogbert invented a disease called Chronic Cubical Syndrome. One of the symptoms was suspecting you might have it - "If you think you've got it, you've got it."
Thanks for the replies guys.
A Paduan
This is not jwism or from jw thought, but rather for your interest, and to alleviate your previous jw state.
"Whoever says a word" - they who accept a certain husband, say a particular word - this husband is not the Spirit of God, but contrary, certainly not the Lord - " my covenant which they broke, though I was their husband, says the Lord"
In such a marriage they do not recieve spiritual gowth (it is God who gives the growth) - i.e. they are not fore-given - the word (the husband) they speak does not accept the truth, but would rather lie to alleviate shame or instill righteousness - indeed the husband who rules in the household is contrary to truth - the truth of themself - so the gift is not fore-given - it is not accepted.
But anyway, " if her husband dies she (soul) is discharged from the law concerning the husband" - and a widow - " take care of your widows, so we may care for those who are widows indeed"
Who then is your word - the husband who is head of your house?
Paduan, mayhaps you posted this on the wrong thread? Because, for the life of me, I can't see how what you said has any relevance to the topic??