Watch out Apple/Samsung: WT into Device Business

by pixel 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • pixel

    Hello there,

    I haven't seen this posted yet. I was watching the January-don't-educate-yourself-programming and I think we missed the following, at the :31 minute of the show:

    WT now sending portable music devices to Malawi so they can sing the new song.

    Since Malawi is Malawi is among the world's least-developed countries, the brothers there "need" a portable player to sing new song from WT. And this is a "loving provision from God". Crazy.

  • 7Starz

    This device looks like one of those hand crank portable citizens band / HAM radios you use when there is no power.  I have used one in cases of emergency during a storm.

    Is the society sending them or are they being provided on a donation basis? 

    Is there another reason they are sending them perhaps?

    Got your Go Bag ready Malawi? 


    I would rather have an education, medical supplies and some food, instead of some shitty hand-cranked electronic device. That's just me. 


  • pixel

    Is the society sending them or are they being provided on a donation basis? 

    They are sending them. On the video they say they have received back letters of gratitude with money in it.

    Is there another reason they are sending them perhaps?

    They say, so the friends in that country can sing the new song. But hey! it could be an experiment, maybe besides being a publishing and real state company, now the WT want to be a consumer company!

  • Caedes
    You do realise they don't make those, they have just bought them from someone who makes consumer electronics?  
  • pixel

    You do realise they don't make those, they have just bought them from someone who makes consumer electronics?  

    Yeap! But that's how it all begins!

  • Caedes

    The WBTS are not going to become a consumer electronics company, for a start they would have to employ educated people.

  • pixel
    ^^ But they can become a consumer electronics reseller! lol
  • HBH

    It appears to be this.

    I think this is merely a propaganda machine for underdeveloped nations so as to increase numbers, since membership is failing in developed nations.  Also helps keep hq busy with new tech.


  • Simon

    Wait, you mean people walking around and hand-delivering a magazine to people isn't the best way to get the message to a wider audience? Who would ever have imagined such a thing?!?! 

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