My oldest son wa 14 when we began leaving the borg. When we sat him down and told him we didnt believe it was the truth anymore , he said,,,,,,,"Thank God".........I am so happy". He said that he had been having doubts before we did,,,,,,, probably because although he was raised a witness , we were not so strict on him, we let him have friends to a degree and tried to make up for all the things he didnt get to celebrate.
But towards the very end before we talked to him about leaving , he said he was very depressed and it scared him how alone and sad he felt. I knew something was wrong, but I didnt know what to do about it,,,,,,those early teen years are hard , and they are harder when you have no freedom , no real friends to do things with.
He just turn 16 on Monday, and is a freshman in highschool, his first year in school ever. He makes almost all A's, got voted class Beau the first week he was there, started on the football team his first try out, and has been to parties, dances, and hangs out with his friends.
He is really happy. He has such a full life,,,,, I never hear I am bored anymore, I never see tears in his eyes because he is so unhappy.
Oh he pulls his normal teenage boy crap that is for sure,,,,,,, he loves to irritate me, listen to his music way too loud, pull some pranks, act crazy in class,,,, you know normal things ,,,,,,,but all in all he is not a devil worshipper like the JW's would have you believe if you leave them.
I am thankful we got in time for him to have the rest of his teen years as a normal kid.