Were you ever falsely accused of something either by an elder or member of the congregation? How did you handle it?
Have You Ever Been Falsely Accused In The Cong?
by minimus 11 Replies latest jw friends
We had a brother that accused an elder of impregnating a sister in the congregation. Of course, the elder denied it. The accuser was told to stop making this charge. ( The child did look a little like the elder).
My sister and I were accused of "snuggling" in the back of the hall during one Sunday meeting. We were just sharing a magazine, but the elder felt we were just a little too close for comfort.
Yeah, right. From that point on, my sister went out of her way to go wrong and I just knew from that point on that I didn't want to be a part of a church that looked for sex at every innocent turn.
When I was sick with postpartum depression, someone started a rumour about me that I had said that I wanted to take a gun to the KH and shoot everyone. It was a lie. But because I had a mental illness, everyone automatically assumed that it was true... after all, only a "crazy person" would think of doing something like that.
How did I handle it?? I told the elders it wasn't true, and that the person who started the rumour needed to be brought in and confront me. When they wouldn't do that, because they didn't know exactly who started it (although I had a very good idea of who it was) I told them that slander - especially of that magnitude - was a disfellowshipping offense and I didn't want to hear another word about it, or I would be taking it to the CO.
They still found other rumours to start. It just escalated the hatred and mistreatment, which was what eventually led to our exit from the organization.
Love, Scully
In a small congregation in Delaware I was falsely accused of Spiritism, homosexuality, "unintentional" apostacy, and causing divisions. The divisions were because I was white and attended an all black congregation. Homosexuality was because of jesting with a lisp with a fellow carpenter. Spiritism was because my dinner table was unstable ie "table tipping". The committee was anxious to annihilate me because the congregations were segregated and my white Bible studies at the black Kingdom hall caused the circuit overseer to recommend building one hall for everybody. (late 60's). Also I was college educated and studied intensly 8 to 12 hrs per day . I worked part time ( x-hippie). The whole farce collapsed when one of the accusers said my library had books on spiritism such as..............Josephus! After the smoke cleared the PO came to me privately and said he wanted to have more meetings. I said NEVER AGAIN. He said he had the power to open it all up again. I said on what charge? He said....."UNINTENTIONAL APOSTACY". I let out a roar of laughter and derision and told him to leave me alone. He did. From that point on I knew there was a great difference between God and the "Brotherhood". The fate of that committee is noteworthy. One of them eventually overdrank and was disfellowshipped for punching out the unbelieving husband of his (the brother's) wife's Bible study. The second Committee member's Step Son "corrupted" the brother's natural Son and they ran off together as homosexual partners. He died confused and disoriented. The last member just faded and I have no memory of his "fate". My adventures continued for 25 more years. I was a true "Believer".
WOW Sid, You win!!! Your story takes the cake!
minimus WOW Sid, You win!!! Your story takes the cake! The cake the cookies, the icecream and everything else. I never laughed so hard in my life. just what I needed tonight to take my mind off things. I said, it before and i'll say it again, Man I am going to miss you guys. At least I will have a lot to tell the others about i don't think they'll believe a word of it but i know they;ll listen at night siting in the tents at night.
Peace James
yes,,,,i did not handle it...i just withdrew...have not been to the hall since....shudder!!
Who hasn't been? It's a way of life at the KH. The "strong" feed on the "weak."
"I think it therefore it is true." Motto of many elders and "spiritually mature" ones
Imagine being falsely accused of homosexuality because of a lithsp.