I guess this is a good time to say good bye.

by Monster 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • Simon

    Good luck Monster. We'll be chearing for you.

  • Prisca


    The news reports about the war become all that more real when someone amongst us has to go to fight for his country.

    Do what you have to do, and come back soon. I look forward to seeing your return.

    ((((((((monster)))))))))) one more hug for good luck

  • Robdar

    Monster, hurry home. All the pretty girls are waiting for a kiss. Please be careful. I have always enjoyed your posts and chatting with you, James.

    We will miss you on the forum and look forward to your return.

    God Speed!



  • Angharad

    Take care Monster

    Look forward to seeing you back soon

  • Granny Linda
    Granny Linda

    Come home safe!!!!!! We love you.

    Mr. and Mrs. Granny

  • ugg

    NOT GOODBYE!!!!!!!!!!! just....we'll see you later......try not to worry....we will be thinking of you...

  • morrisamb

    So sorry I'm coming so late to this thread Monster. As soon as I saw your name and then the topic title, I knew I had to write you. Then I read your kind words and the reason why you're leaving.

    You are one hell of a guy...always supportive, kind and thoughtful. Your posts and support has been much appreciated. You are one of the guys I really clicked with on this board.

    Take care and God Bless. Hey, if you want an old fashioned letter by snail mail, this friend will write you while you're away...just email [email protected]

  • blondie

    Monster, I'll just say Auf Wiedersehen, which is German for see you later.


  • Kenneson

    Peace to you James. Take care of yourself and return to us safe and sound.

  • gumby

    I didn't expect the support I am getting now it's great to hear you all thank me for trying to fight for freedom

    Well, I personally would hope to hell I knew for SURE that this was the REASON I was going for. I am a political idiot. I don't know all the reasons as to why this is happening so don't get me wrong as a wimpy puss. I feel it is proper to defend the innocent but I am not sure that this is what it's all about with all the controversy and rumours that there is more involved than freedom. I'm talking stuff like lying greedy political bullshit. Is it so? Do YOU know?

    Perhaps I am different, but I personally would have to be SURE of the reason I was willing to go to war and take human lives and shatter their society. It's kind of like us accepting the bible and religion after exiting the Witnesses. We make sure of 'STUFF".....BEFORE we act on it.

    Make sure James you are convinced in your OWN mind before doing this.

    Take care Bro.


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