Hey there, all you thirsty ONES!

by ozziepost 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • ozziepost

    How often you may have song the chorus to Song 14 God's Loyal Love with a lilt in your singing!

    Did you ever stop to think how much the Writing Department likes to use the word "ones"? A closer examination indicates there's almost as many different "ones" as there are "classes"!

    No longer simply people, but not quite big enough to be a class, the Borg has introduced us to a half-way position of "ones".

    Not content with rendering the words of Isaiah 55:1 in the song as "Come, all you who are thirsty, come to the waters" (NIV), the WTS has to introduce some elitism, so renders it as "Hey there, all you thirsty ones, Come and drink life's water free."

    Here is the first of our "ones" groups, the "thirsty ones".

    The December Kingdom Ministry introduces us to many more. In the front-page article "Remember Faithful Older Ones", the expression "ones" is used no less than eight times. And that's in just 5 short paragraphs of a half-page article!

    "faithful ones" (para 1)

    "faithful older ones" (Title, paras 2, 5)

    "older one" (paras 3, 4

    "infirm one" (para 4 [twice])

    You may like to read it for yourself, courtesy of Stephanus and Dmouse at http://jsefton.users1.50megs.com/kmdec2002.htm

    Well, we have to keep up with the "increasing light" so as to know which "ones" are in and which "one's" out, perhaps?

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • Prisca

    And here I was thinking this was another thread about wine!

  • ozziepost

    Now Pris, a good wine is to be tasted, it's not for the thirsty!

  • Englishman

    Being one of the young ones

    I was usually regarded as one of the weaker ones

    Until I stopped being one of the irregular ones

    And became one of the mature ones

    Until I became one of the fallen away ones

    And became one of the Df'd ones

    So now I'm one of the apostate ones

    Who's run out of things to say ones.


  • ozziepost

    LOL@Eman . Well done!

    D'ya think that after they run out of ones, the WTS will start on the twos?

  • Perry

    Only intersted ones need read this thread about thirsty ones. Of course, one may change his mind once he has become one of the annointed ones, who are really one in the same class as the faithful ones of old who act as if they really are one in age. One would think that once one is past the age of one that one could think older than one. But, it has been said by ones in the know that once an annointed one thinks past the age of one that he could no longer becounted among the loyal ones. Since one can assume that rebellious ones who persist in exposing the lies of the older ones could no longer be counted as a righteous one, the next article presented by the wise ones will consider the concept of twos.

  • Perry

    Dammit Ozzie,

    By the time I posted you already stole my punch line.

  • Nosferatu

    Dammit! Now I need a beer :smile:

    This thread reminds me of when I'd drive me and my mother to the KH and I'd be listening to Guns N Roses. My mother would tell me "You shouldn't be listening to this worldly music on the way to the hall. You should be listening to Kingdom Songs". I guess Knockin' on Heaven's Door didn't pass as a Kingdom Song.

  • TresHappy

    I remember that phrase...brings back memories...AHHHHHHHHHHH....I think I need a beer - and it's only 8:00 am!

  • ozziepost

    Nice one, Perry!


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