So sad. For many of them field service is their only social outlet.
field service
by DIAMOND 16 Replies latest jw friends
Its the clear message that his care and concern is contingent on you going out in the field misery. No doors -- no care.
Didn't you know?
Field Service is this years "Miracle Wheat"!!!
for most JWs field service is the only social thing they can do....for everything else they are totally inept.
hell is the grave
I'm counting my time right now - drinking a beer - and I feel great!
Neonmadman stated:
To listen to JW's, field service is the cure for everything. Discouraged? Get out in service more. Depressed? Get out in service more. Family problems? Health problems? Job problems? Doubts about the organization? More field service will cure anything!
Your friend thinks that, whatever it is that's keeping you from "doing more," getting you out in service will be a step toward solving the problem. After all, your real problem, in their eyes, is low spirituality - measured, of course, by the fact that you aren't spending enough time in field service. Besides, until you get active again and start doing what you "should be" doing, you really aren't good enough association for those social activities you mentioned.
Great religion, huh?
I think you hit this one dead on!!!! Can't say it better myself. That pretty much sums it up as to what JW's think is the cure-all for everything. Service is kinda like duct tape. There ain't nothing it can't fix!!!!!!
Jourles, I enjoyed our time together last summer with the other apostates. Yes, I know the city where you live, but I will not rat you out. I do like you and I hope that things will get better in your situation. I know that you are walking a fine line, but you are doing a good job of it. I do hope to see you again in the future.