I remember watching people so well back when I was growing up and going to the meetings. One thing as I look back on was the ban on the bathroom.
You just did not leave your seat to use the bathroom. You went before the meeting started, or after. You did not even go during the song in the middle.
Now, of course once in a while someone would go. And did they ever get the evil eye! What are you doing??
And of course you could never go to the back and get a drink of water. But the water fountain was right next to the bathroom, so sometimes when in the rare event that someone did use the bathroom, they usually would sneak a sip of water.
I was an elders kid, and no way in hell was I allowed to leave my seat for any reason whatsoever, especially something like the bathroom.
Being the kid that I was, I just accepted it as the way things were. But as an adult, I look back and think to myself, how unbelievably crazy that was! To get scorned for using the bathroom?!? Come on!
Was that just my hall/ prison?