I usually have no problem finding a point of argument with my sister when she sends personal comments. This time she got me. I couldn't do nuthin' but nod my head...
- Sad as it seems, many of today's young people of color do not realize that the 3rd Monday in
January isn't really the birth date of MLK, Jr.
Perhaps many of us don't really know the exact date either.
Nobody asked me, but I think having the day declared a 'legal' holiday, though significant, should
NOT be a day off from work. That's all it has become for so many. Just another day they don't
have to go to work.
I'm not for certain, but I bet that wasn't dr. king's dream. Not by a long shot.
Just my thinking.
Years ago, I would take the day off, as a symbol; until it dawned on me that his goal was to get
me INTO the place TO work. So I feel the best way I can show my gratitude, appreciation for all
of those who came before me was by GOING TO WORK, and remembering just how good I
sometimes DO have it. Not so long ago, in my lifetime, even, things were faaaaaar worse for
many of OUR parents.
Thank you, Dr. King, Mrs. Rosa Parks, Emmet Till (forever 14), Mr. Little (aka Malcolm X), Mr.'s
Chaney, Schwerner, & Goodman, Mrs. Daisy Bates, "The Little Rock Nine," Denise McNair, Addie
Mae Collins, Cynthia Wesley and Carole Robertson, Medger Evers, "Mom," "Uncle F," and the
countless others whose names I do not know...
... thank you all for opening doors that I now freely walk through.