WTS Cheapshot .....Jan 1st 2003 WT

by ISP 28 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Golden Girl
    Golden Girl

    Well they JW's) are having some hard times in Japan..and it is showing in their numbers.So in the Awakes "Watching the world"..they were sure to print out that in Japan... their manners and behaviour have worsened. They interviewed 2000 people and 90 percent agreed. The poll was conducted by a newspaper...I guess that excuse will do for the witnesses falling numbers in Japan!


  • jgnat

    Yeah, do not be distracted (by facts) was a recurring theme in 2002. Onacruise, awesome use of the english language. Do you have a thesaurus on line, too?

  • patio34

    Hi ISP,

    That's quite significant. I had to read it more than once for it to sink in. Thanks for highlighting it. The subtlety is definitely there, practically subliminal. Therefore, it sinks below the consciousness and is assimilated unknowingly. Then, some smug JW (as I was!) will comment on it to drive the point home.

    It seems to me that it is the sheer repetition of the loaded language of cult-types that makes it difficult to see what the implications are at first. It's really scary how propaganda can affect people. Just shoveling more guilt on the R&F.


  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    I take it that the information revolution isn't overwhelming Argentina, Mozambique and Albania

  • joelbear

    This simply points to the fact that people will seek any place that offers hope of something better when they are living in horrible conditions. Not surprising that most growth is in places where life is very difficult.


  • Englishman

    Clearly Jehovah's spirit is not hindered by difficult conditions when his servants put kingdom interests first. - Matthew 6:33

    Oh, I love all this!

    This is so what always used to niggle me about the WT, the assumption that when things weren't going well, it's your fault!

    So, brothers, no increase this year? Clearly, you are not putting kingdom interests first!

    The slave is always right, dammit!


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Jesus said the stones would cry out.

    Let's hear it.


    I'm waiting...

    The Holy Spirit is a mute version of the Jehovah Sock Puppet(tm). THAT is why it is "hindered."

    Edited by - Nathan Natas on 16 January 2003 8:42:30

  • undercover
    I recall one brother saying privately that he just wished that for once they'd highlight what joe average jw was able to accomplish, instead of always making us feel bad with such super-spirtual-in-the-face-of-all-odds examples.

    I've always felt that way too. All the assembly program experiences, and the written experiences in the magazines. It was always somebody or something extraordinary. And then the admonition to try to do better with the inference if that you don't have these type experiences, then you aren't trying hard enough. Why can't they show average Joe publisher and wife and 2 kids with mortgage, broken down car, sick grandmother, working extra hours to pay for grandma, just makin the meetings and getting out in service a couple of times a month and congratulate them on being faithful despite their hardships? Nooo, they gotta get the guy who never worked, parents pay his way so he can pioneer, gave him a car, went to Bethel, came home, pioneers, mooches off others and has some wonderful experience and he's paraded on stage in front of everyone and then we are asked, "Can you do more?" Like this guy has made sacrifices. I sacrificed half my life and then I find out I was wrong! AAAUUUGGGHHH

    Sorry, can you tell I'm in a bad mood today?

  • TresHappy

    Why is it the same old thing. I remember the assembly programs of years past. Do this, don't do that, put Kingdom interests first, pioneer, auxiliary pioneer, remain regular in the ministry, conduct Bible studies, go on return visits, study for meetings, attend meetings, don't fornicate, don't date outside the faith, don't get distracted, don't go to rated R movies. I look back, is there anything I COULD actually do???

  • minimus

    um, did you say something?....Sorry, I must've been distracted.

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