HAPPY NEW YEAR JW.COM !! ,I haven`t posted much over the holidays as I have been away.When I got back,my computer worked for a bit,then it shut down.It is just today I have got it up and running..I was going through the threads I had missed and came across 2..count-em..2 flame threads from friday meant for me,LOL!! The biggest:"Ways of the Weasel"got 121 posts and 1920 views..cool!.. I`m on holiday`s and friday`s swinging at the wind,LOL!!..I read all your posts.I hope you had as much fun writing them,as I had reading them..For any of you interested in the thread where friday speaks of a "protecting cherub",then say`s:"I am of this persuasion myself"( he say`s didn`t do it,LOL!),it is on his own thread,first post:"Properly Understanding Genesis 3:14",3rd paragragh at the bottom..Friday coudn`t tell the truth to save his life,if you put a gun to his head..He got the boot Dec.24th for using multiple user names,I wonder how he liked Santa crapping down his chimney on the 25th,LOL!!...OUTLAW
I missed my own Flame War
by OUTLAW 14 Replies latest jw friends
Hey OUTLAW, I woudd burn, blisster and flame you. The only problem is that I always agree with you. Well, I guess that is my cross or torture stake to carry. Love ya, man.
Hi outlaw
It seems the gods stood in for you, while you were gone, heh heh. I tried to find friday's gen 3 thread but couldn't. Do you have a url for it? I hope you had a good time where you were.
Outlaw, you mean to say you didn't even sense that Friday was flaming your ass? My, but that cold North territory does have you "desensitized," eh? LOL
Welcome back, dude.
Outlaw- does this mean we aren't having a party at your house? Fine then !!! No guacamole for you!!!
Welcome back
Hey larc,dude it is nice to hear from you.I didn`t think I was going to get this dinasour computer working again..It`s good to be back..>>>Hey SS,reading that thread was fun,we`ve got alot of cool people on this board..You know what an illiterate I am when it comes to computers.I`m going to have to take some lessions to make this thing work for me.Go to fridays thread:"Properly Understanding Genesis 3:14" Look at his initial post for that thread.Go to the bottom of the 3rd paragraph.The information is there..I went down to the coast to visit my kids,they are great hosts,I enjoyed my time with them..It`s nice to get back to my mountain top,the lake is totally frozen over and we`re ride`n ski-do`s.Very cool!..2 days ago I lost control of my car and shot over a snow bank 25ft,a hell of a ride I gotta tell you,LOL! Tow truck pulled it back up the bank and it runs just fine.I don`t want to do that again,LOL!...OUTLAW
Hey onacruse,I need all the heat I can get up here,it`s about 20F in the afternoon.At night it gets cold,LOL!.Thanks for the WB..>>>Hey Xena,no guacamole for me? What am I going to dip the moose meat in then?LOL!..thanks for the WB...OUTLAW
Heh, heh! Outlaw - Friday'd never flame you while you're around - he knows better than that! LOL
Country Girl
<with hearts in her eyes>
<I heart outlaws!>
No one ever made a flame war for me, I feel left out.
WB Outlaw.