A comment from my mother!!

by kelpie 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • kelpie

    I just spoke to my mum about why the baptism questions change to reflect from God to the borg and she had this comment to say:

    "The witnesses are Jehovah's organisation. With out his holy spirt the organisation would fall apart. I remember a talk at an assembly where a brother said that if we didnt have Jehovah's holy spirt that we would fall apart and break down in 15-20 mintues because satan and the demons are trying so hard to break us all away. We need to state that in our baptism vows so people know that we are Jehovah's witnesses."

    Can you believe that!! wow those demons do work fast dont they! Just abit of fluff I thought you might find interesting.

    Kelps (of the speechless class)

  • ozziepost

    Have we got the same mother??? I bet so many mums in the borg think the same way.

    They claim to be the true Christians yet fail to recognise that their Lord has promised to be with his followers to the end. Another text says "love throws fear outside", so how can a Christian, which our mums claim to be, be in such fear of Satan. If the Lord of all is really with them, why do they fear so much?

    Well may it be said that "Satan has blinded the minds of the unbelievers" since so many of the R&F are so blind.

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • Flip
    With out his holy spirt the organisation would fall apart.

    Actually kel, your mom is correct.

    If you took the time to ask her how she defined holy spirit she would answer, Government sanctioned tax exemption on revenue and capital gains."

    The same trough the FDS feeds out of as virtually every other private corporation that is supposedly entrusted with the sociological and psychological health of a community .

    Without that blanket tax exemption, the vast majority of Americanized religious corporations would turn to meadow muffins in less time than bovine takes to excrete. An aftermath Governments are loath to deal with.

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    They are apart - people can't even reveal what's on their own mind just in case their loved congregation or their own family might cut them dead.

  • Introspection

    Those words would be more fitting written in crayons wouldn't they?

  • RevMalk

    "The witnesses are Jehovah's organisation. With out his holy spirt the organisation would fall apart. I remember a talk at an assembly where a brother said that if we didnt have Jehovah's holy spirt that we would fall apart and break down in 15-20 mintues because satan and the demons are trying so hard to break us all away. We need to state that in our baptism vows so people know that we are Jehovah's witnesses."

    That must mean the Catholics are Jehovah's organization, The Mormons are Jehovah's organization, the Baptists are Jehovah's organization, and every other bunch of whackos that aren't "falling apart" as well......I can't believe our mothers swallow this line of crap.
  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Flip, you hit the nail on the head, now if only more were to wake up and take notice of this tax exemption trap maybe, just maybe, things will change, which I doubt. People are to apathetic.

    Here's a site to view, http//www.theft-by-deception.com

    Guest 77

  • desertflower

    I had to comemt on this subject because I'm a mum and greatgrandmom. Seems like everyone has a mum that still believe in the org. and they seem so hard headed and just don't get what is going on in the org. Most of them may ask them selves question but because they know the punishment for admitting any of it may be true. they try very hard to defend the org. It has been enbedded in their minds so much they are fearful of what they will lose . I saw the daughter that will not have much to do with my husband and me. the other day at my youngest daughters house. She had a picture of my newest great grandson that she let me look at and then started to put it back in her pocket. I ask her if she was not going to let me have the pictures. She didn't want too and said that was all she had of him. I told her she has him everyday but I have not even be allowed to see him. She did give the pictures to me but never to told me to come and see the baby. (they are at my daughter house). Talk about old ladies or mum's being brainwashed!!!!!!. Older one are also facing old age which make a different in what you do and except. One never knows until you get in that position. Sorry didn't mean to make such a long post. But it has been really hard to let go of things that take your family away from you when you have been a very close and loving family.We just didn't really believe our loving family would shun us. BUT IT HAS MADE A BIGGGGGG DIFFERENTS IN OUR FAMILY.


  • Mary

    Kelpie said: ".....With out his holy spirt the organisation would fall apart...."

    Kelp you should ask your mother if the Catholics, Baptists, Jews, Mormons, Lutherans, Protestants, Presbyterians, Mennonites, Amish, Muslim, Buddists, also have the Holy Spirit. Because none of them have fallen apart. The Jews have had their religious beliefs for over 3,000 years, the Catholics almost 1700 years. I guess they can also make the same claim. Give her a chance to think about that for a minute and watch her squirm.

  • Shakita

    holy spirit.......

    Found this page, might want to share it with your Mom:


    Mrs. Shakita

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