Books by Former Witnesses
by GiftsinMen 18 Replies latest jw experiences
I am interested in reading books published by former jws which detail personal experiences of their time with the organisation. I know of CoC, Exiting the JW Cult, Mamas club, 30yrs a WT slave, and told ones were written by OTWO, Punk and Terry. I'd like to spend some time making my way through them so titles, authors and links would be really useful. Since publishing my own book I feel I have been catapulted into a world I knew nothing about and need to catch-up. I have some serious decisions to make and reading these, I think, will help. -
Introvert 2
Neat GIM, your book is on my list. If you go into Amazon I find that they mostly all come up. Ray Franz's books are a must read as well as Don Cameron's Captives of a Concept. But I agree the first person biographies are great, better than going to the movies ! I enjoyed Journey to God's House by Brock Talon as well as New Boy's Bethel stories on Freeminds. Pretty cool that you post here thanks ! -
Awakening of a Jehovah's Witness: Escape from the Watchtower Society
by Diane Wilson.
A very good book detailing her experiences. I used to attend a congregation with her. She is a great woman
Excellent! thank you introvert2 and apostrate. I have bought some from Amazon but is quite difficult to gauge which are well written and have bought one or two that are incomprehensible.... sorry to say that. I will start my reading list beginning with your suggestions.
Introvert 2
The Four Presidents of the Watchtower Society seems like a good read, am ordering that as well. -
My first book was largely a first person account of my indoctrination into Jehovah's Witnesses
leading to being imprisoned during the Vietnam War.
My second book was a Science Fiction allegory of the mind control of the Watchtower Corporation.
troubled mind
On the lighter side ......I read ,Kyria Abrahams book "I'm Perfect,You're Doomed"...tale of a Jehovah's Witness upbringing ,and liked it very much . It is her life experience written in her own humorous style .
Brock Talon
One of my favorites is little known book: The Armageddon Cult, by Daniel LeEarl Hall.
It is a great mixture of personal memoir (at the beginning) followed by a scathing rebuke of all Jehovah's Witness doctrine and dogma.
Daniel has a very interesting history as an ex-JW, as he was known to be a very successful business owner that employed hundreds of JWs. He was not always liked by all JWs back then, and he acknowledges his mistakes in the book. I didn't know him at that time, but I do know him now, and I find him to be a gentle and sweet man who has in his golden years set up a ministry to try to help others escape from the clutches of the Watch Tower. Over all and amazing story of redemption that I found inspiring.
Brock Talon
I liked Kyria Abrahams "I'm Perfect, You're Doomed" as well. It had the best book cover illustration of all time!!
I also wrote one. It is free to download as an e-book from here:
Also available in paperback from Amazon. I don't get any royalties from it.